New creepy iPhone feature in iOS 17 can clone your voice, Internet thinks it’s ‘Black Mirror’ in real life

Picture this: On a day like any other, you’re lounging on your couch and mindlessly flicking your phone screen while laughing at a rom-com in the background, then suddenly your session is interrupted by a FaceTime call from your friend. Excited to talk, you click on the popup, only to realize it’s a cloned version of the answer.

As hyper-personalized technology becomes the norm around the world, the internet is wondering if there will be a time soon when things start to resemble the chaos of the Netflix series ‘Black Mirror’.

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A scary new feature in iOS 17 can clone your voice

New iPhone feature in iOS 17 Clone Your VoiceApple

Well, the recent iPhone announcement about adding a strange new feature to iOS 17 has people worried about the future. The update will give Apple users the chance to let their iPhones and iPads clone their voices and sound exactly like them.

The Personal Voice feature is something straight out of a sci-fi movie. It will only take 15 minutes to clone the voice of an Apple user. Once the user’s voice is saved to the device, it can be used to activate the Live Speech feature.

Essentially, the Live Speech feature could turn anything a user types into what it would actually sound like if they said it instead of typing it.

The feature could be used in cases like when you’re on a video call with someone and you don’t want to use your voice; all you would have to do is type, and the Live Speech feature would convert it in real time into your cloned voice. Instead of reading what you’re typing, Live Speech would speak your own synthetic voice to someone on the receiving end.

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What was Apple’s intention behind the new feature?

New iPhone feature in iOS 17 Clone Your VoiceApple

Now, as creepy but cool as it sounds, Apple’s intentions behind the feature are much more serious. The company’s intention behind this futuristic update in the new iOS is to improve accessibility for people who may be losing their voice.

The idea behind the new feature is for humans to connect and respond well to the voice of a person or family member. It would be a lot like creating a digital version of yourself.

People who have speech impediments or survive conditions like ALS may need help getting their words out if they ever lose their voice. Being able to speak by typing and hearing your familiar voice could bring a convenience like no other generic text-to-talk driver ever could.

Tell us what you think about this new feature update at Apple in the comments below.

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