New Zealand pizza chain offers unique ‘Buy now, pay in the afterlife’ option for customers

For pizza delivery, a New Zealand pizzeria has created a unique payment method called “Afterlife Pay”. This is what it means and this is how customers can take advantage of it.

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New Zealand pizza chain offers ‘Payment in the afterlife’


Following the adoption of the “buy now, pay later” concept by several companies, a pizza chain in New Zealand, “Hell’s Pizza”, began offering pizza delivery with a strange twist on the payment method.

According to the brand’s website, “Afterlife Pay” will be available to 666 customers who sign a legally enforceable agreement revising their wills to defer payment until after their death.

Customers may find it unusual at first, but the pizza business assures them there are no hidden fees or penalties. In fact, CEO Ben Cumming says the deal alleviates New Zealanders’ growing problem of falling into “buy now, pay later” traps.

Authorities say the scheme is addictive and can lead to debt

The New Zealand Consumer Protection Authority, on the other hand, has thoroughly investigated the scheme and warns that it is potentially addictive and can lead to debt problems. Authorities are warning consumers not to use the system just to get a free pizza.

The scheme was originally designed to help New Zealanders cope with the high cost of living. Users can sign up for the “AfterLife Pay” initiative on the pizza chain’s official website.

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Hell will invite the chosen people “to sign a bona fide amendment to their wills, authorizing the collection of the cost of their pizza upon death.” There will be no interest or fees, and the deal is legally enforceable.” Hell CEO Ben Cumming says the idea for AfterLife came after the company was approached by other buy-now-pay-later companies.

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