Nokia Snake Game IRL: Video Of A Reptile Perfectly Tracking Mortar Lines Reminds The OG Game Internet

In the days when smartphone screens were just a part of science fiction and the internet was a service far from the clutches of the common man, kids spent their days away from home unlike today’s social media bosses. in day.

Among the many simple pleasures of life back then was the classic snake game that many played on the Nokia 6110. The animation of the thin black snake on a green background has been part of the childhood of many children of Generation Z. .

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The Nokia Snake game comes to life in a viral video

Nokia Snake Game on video of Snake moving in mortar linesTwitter

Gambling is once again becoming a hot topic on social media. A video of a snake slithering through the mortar lines on a wall reminds people of the classic mobile game. In the clip, a California kingsnake is possibly seen moving perfectly across the tracks on some mortar lines.

The snake follows the empty space between the red tiles and deftly moves through the wall maze. The sight looked terribly similar to the classic game where the snake moves with restricted movements to reach the groceries.

Like the classic game, the snake in the video also had stripes on its body that made it look even more like the snake in Nokia’s mobile game.

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Watch the viral video below:

Snake perfectly tracking mortar lines reminiscent of a game.

— Science Girl (@gunsnrosesgirl3) July 4, 2023

The internet had a gala time comparing the moment to the OG game

People on the internet were struck by the uncanny similarities between the mobile game and the viral clip. One noted how the video was the actual version of the game.

Real Life Nokia Snake Game

—MoonBoy ♒ (@MoonBoy84667) July 4, 2023

Another wondered if the game was based on true events.

So, was the game based on true events?

— Olive Attention (@ACatNamedOlive) July 5, 2023

One user wondered how the snake moved in real life, apparently climbing up the wall, while another estimated that it was probably friction that helped the snake climb the wall.


— Hunter Hellman (@hph4hph4) July 4, 2023

A second joked about the snake’s body imploding if it touches the tip of its tail like in-game.

Does it die when its head hits the body?

—Handoko Tjung (@handokotjung) July 5, 2023

Another noted that the video was a good example of life imitating art.

life imitating art

—Lucian Caracy (@Lucian_Caracy) July 5, 2023

One more user noted that the real life video of the snake was quite fascinating to watch.

This is fascinating to watch

— Trap God (@trapgod42069) July 4, 2023

The snake game was first released on the Nokia 6110 in 1997. The mobile game quickly became a phenomenon. However, the game’s story began long before it came to Nokia. It was first created as a concept in 1976 under the name Blockage and was a two-player monochrome arcade game developed by video game company Gremlin Interactive.

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Tell us what you think about the viral snake video in the comments below.

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