Optical illusion: try to find the lost ring in the garden

The Internet has been swept up in optical illusions in the age of social media and instant sharing.

Netizens are baffled by the rather simple image of a garden that has become the latest viral phenomenon.

The difficulty? Finding a misplaced ring among the leaves.

The optical illusion has generated widespread engagement and conversations about perception and attention to detail as people share and attempt to solve the visual puzzle.

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Optical illusion challenge: find the lost ring in the garden

In the garden, discover the missing ring in this viral optical illusion
Credit: William May

William May created a lively garden scene with rows of orange carrots for little black bunnies to explore.

Wheelbarrows, gardening shovels and sunflowers stand next to white picket fences.

However, a golden ring is hidden somewhere within the endearing drawing.

If you still can’t find it within ten seconds, check the area between the wheelbarrow and the sunflowers.

A carrot that has not yet been plucked by a farmer or a rabbit has a ring on it.

Try looking at another image of an invisible car if you can’t solve the illusion puzzle.


The image was posted on a Reddit thread where one user pressured other users to identify the car hidden in plain sight.

The image initially appears to be a simple photograph of a driveway.

The answer is revealed below!

People have united around a common struggle thanks to the widely discussed optical illusion of the ring lost in the garden, which highlights the power of visual perception.

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People have always been fascinated by optical illusions and visual puzzles because the Internet is still a great place to get these kinds of captivating things.

Take a closer look at a normal photograph the next time you come across one; You may find a secret world waiting to be revealed.

In the garden, discover the missing ring in this viral optical illusion
Credit: William May

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Categories: Trending
Source: vtt.edu.vn

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