PKH Ventures IPO GMP Today, Stock Price, Lot Size, Allocation, Review

Learn the specifics about PKH Ventures’ GMP IPO today, share price, lot size, allocation and review in this article. There will be a number of companies you might be thinking of investing in, but the important thing is to know the lot size and share prices based on existing market rates. Therefore, we have broken down every detail of the PKH Ventures IPO GMP Today details here. Friday June 30 is the start date of the GMP IPO. What are you waiting for? Invest NOW!

PKH Ventures IPO GMP Today

It is a non-governmental company owned by Mr. Pravin Agarwal. Initially the company provided its services for the Airport. The company has been focusing on the construction and development business since 2000. The employees work under the name of Garuda Construction.

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PKH Ventures has been assigned government projects that have ultimately increased their value in the market. That is the reason why we share the essential details of PKH Ventures IPO GMP Today. The initial public offering is productive for investors as of now. But a delay in the process could cause you losses!

PKH Ventures Stock Price

It is mandatory for investors to know the market price and the shares they will get after the IPO. This gives an idea before the stock prices.

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5 per share is the current share price that hits the market for shareholders. According to financial experts, this is the right time to invest in stocks. Holding shares in such a progressive company will help you add a lot to your overall financial assets.

Overview of PKH Ventures IPO GMP today

Company Name PKH Ventures
Article based on GMP IPO
Owner of the company Mr Pravin Agarwal
Lot Size 100
Start date June 30th
NSE/BSE Listing Date 12th of July
Award date July 7th
To know more information Click here

PKH Ventures Lot Size

100 shares is the lot size count if you are investing in the stock. 25,632,000 shares is the total size of the issue, which is a large number. You can imagine how wonderful this opportunity for an investment looks like. The holding of pre-issuance shares is 63,992,080 and the post-issuance is 82,250,480. Here is the lot size list for your convenience.

PKH Ventures IPO lot size

You can also use a lot size calculator to meet your lot size requirements. You will easily find this stool online with any other investor.

Important dates of the IPO of PKH Ventures 2023

The following are the specific details regarding the dates of the PKH Ventures GMP Today IPO.

Detailed report Date
Start date 06/30/2023
Closing 04/07/2023
Assignment 07/07/2023
refund date 10/07/2023
Credit to Demat 11/07/2023
Listings will start from 12/07/2023
UPI Mandate (Cut-off Time) 04/07/2023 (17:00)

Economists and investors should consider all of these dates before thinking about buying stocks. These will be guaranteed to be useful for you and your business. Extra money is always useful, be it in your personal or professional life.

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PKH Ventures IPO GMP Allocation

BSE and NSE are some information sources where you will find critical listings. Before you invest, don’t forget to check out these listings. July 7, 2023 will be the final award date. So, you should quickly navigate to the details and ask your broker for a profitable suggestion to invest in PKH Ventures IPO GMP Today.

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GMP review of the PKH Ventures IPO

You must not wait; Otherwise, you could miss out on a golden opportunity to control your financial spending. The right time is here for you. Stocks are limited and investors are online; so don’t miss the moment.

Let us know what you would like to suggest to other financial and experienced investors for the PKH Ventures GMP IPO today! As we get updates from experts, frequent powerful project achievements, and credibility in the market, people need to invest in their stocks. Anyway, the construction industry is a great game to be successful only if played well. PKH Ventures has already planned everything well which has provided you with a way to get your shares!

It takes years for a company to grow and share the essence of an Initial Public Offering. The same is the story of PKH Ventures, which stands out on the BSE and NSE lists. After reading this article, we hope that you have received the desired information about IPO GMP and are now ready to make an investment.

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Categories: Finance

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