Prakhar Varshney (CA AIR 3) Biography, Score, Score Sheet, Family, Age, Future Plans

Here is all information related to Prakhar Varshney (CA AIR 3) Biography, Score, Rating Sheet, Family, Age and Future Plans. Prakhar holds AIR 3 rank in CA Final Exam May 2023. He is from New Delhi and scored 574 points out of 800 with a percentile of 71.75.

Prakhar Varshney (CA AIR 3) Biography

Prakhar Varshney achieved rank AIR 3 in the CPA final exam held in May 2023. He is very inspired by his older sister and father. Both are CA and are the most important source of motivation for him. In Prakhar’s interview, he states that he worked very hard because her older sister also held a rank during her time and he always looks up to her.

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He is ranked AIR 3 after Jain Akshay Ramesh at rank 1 and Kalpesh Jain at rank 2. In this article, we will try to present all the facts and information about Prakhar Varshney (CA AIR 3) Bio, Score, Rating Sheet, Family , age, and future plans. So, stay tuned and keep reading.

Biography of Prakhar Varshney

Before going any further, let us give a brief summary about Prakhar Varshney in the table given below:

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Full name Prakhar Varshney
Range AC AIR 3
Belonging to New Delhi
Parents name NOT KNOWN
Siblings 2 sister
father’s job Certified Public Accountant
sister’s occupation Older Sister – Chartered Accountant
Education BCom (Hons) from Shri Ram College of Commerce, DU

Prakhar Varshney Scoring and mark sheet

Prakhar Varshney ranks AIR 3 by scoring 574 points out of 800. He scored an overall percentile of 71.75%. He is ranked AIR 3 after Jain Akshay Ramesh AIR 1 who scored 616 and Kalpesh Jain AIR 2 who scored 603. According to Prakhar, his older sisters play a huge role in him getting such good grades and being a starter. of rank.

At the time of the interview, Prakhar used to get up early, around 05:00 am, and study for an hour in complete silence. He doesn’t believe in having a strict study schedule or a continuous 10-hour-a-day story. He believed that when the exam is of such a challenging level, applicants automatically begin to behave responsibly.

1. Jain Akshay Ramesh 616/800 77.00%
2. jain kalpesh 603/800 75.38%
3. Prakhar Varshney 574/800 71.75%

Prakhar Varshney Family (CA AIR 3)

Varshney’s family consists of five members, including him: his mother, his father, and his two older sisters. There is not much information about his family, but his older sister and his father are CA and the source of his motivation and inspiration. His father has his practice and his sister helps him. Prakhar gives all the credit for his success to his older sister. Under his guidance at every step, he succeeded and passed the exam.

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Prakhar Varshney (CA AIR 3) Age

Prakhar’s age is still unknown. In 2020, he completed his BCom (Hons) graduation from Shri Ram College of Commerce, DU. Later, in April 2020, he even started articles. To begin with, he started at BSR and Co LLP (a subsidiary of KPMG) and later moved to BCG as an associate intern. Prakhar even added that for the past two years he has worked solely in tax and has no experience in different specialized fields. Therefore, he is open to all opportunities.

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Prakhar Varshney (CA AIR 3) Future Plans

He has not revealed his plans yet, but in one of his interviews, he said in the last two years, he has worked solely in tax and has no experience in different specialized fields. Therefore, he is open to all opportunities. As he said, his father and his older sister are also CAs, but he has no plans to join them yet.

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