Shakira agrees to a million-dollar fine and admits tax fraud to avoid prison in Spain

The Colombian singer Shakira received this Monday the payment of a fine of 7.3 million euros in exchange for a reduced sentence that will prevent her from entering prison, after admitting before the Justice that she defrauded the Spanish treasury of 14.5 million between 2012 and 2014.

The artist, who was a partner of the former Spanish soccer player and businessman Gerard Piqué, with whom she has two children, ratified before the Barcelona Court the agreement that her defense reached at the last minute with the private accusations and the Prosecutor’s Office, which requested for her eight years and two months in jail.

The agreement avoids the trial that was to begin this Monday to resolve whether Shakira evaded paying taxes between 2012 and 2014 by pretending that she resided outside of Spain.

Under the agreement, the court sentenced Shakira to a three-year prison sentence and the payment of a fine of 7.3 million euros, an amount much lower than the amount set previously, which was 23.7 million euros. .

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In addition, Shakira can avoid going to prison in exchange for a payment of 432,000 euros in total, 400 euros for each day she had to spend behind bars.

The singer Shakira leaving the Barcelona Court after admitting fraud and accepting the payment of a million-dollar fine. Eph.

Refund of money

Before today’s hearing, the singer returned the 14.5 million euros defrauded to the Spanish treasury, plus another three million in interest, which allowed the mitigating circumstance of reparation of damage to be applied to her case.

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The artist, who was wearing a pink jacket and pants suit and covered her eyes with sunglasses, was received outside the court by about a hundred people, most of them journalists and photographers, but also curious people and some admirers, which were surrounded by a strong police force.

Shakira entered through the main door accompanied by her lawyers and several police officers.

The Colombian artist, 46, and the former Barcelona soccer player, 36, announced their separation in 2022 after twelve years, after which Shakira moved to Miami (United States) with their children following an agreement on their custody.

ALSO: AMAZING! Shakira dances with a Honduran woman on Tiktok

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