Should you buy a pre-built gaming PC in 2023?

There’s no denying that 2021 has been a tough year for PC gamers and personally I’ve been on the receiving end of things ever since I couldn’t get an upgrade for my dying graphics card and as you may know for us gamers. players. deprived of the new graphics card seems to be a pretty cruel business – damn scalpers.

However, with the turn of the year everything is a thing of the past. 2023 promises to be a fruitful year for PC gaming, as stated by representatives of most technology manufacturers and the industry in general.

With that being said though, I still believe things are going to gradually get better and we won’t see a hotfix for just a month or two. As it is, you have the option of building your own gaming PC at a higher price or buying a pre-built gaming PC. Many gamers have turned to the latter and pre-built gaming PCs seem to be all the rage right now. Let’s see why that is the case.

Should you buy a pre-built gaming PC in 2023?

Simply put, the prebuilt gaming PC seems like the most logical choice due to the low availability of PC components, especially graphics cards. The status of GPUs is that they are instantly picked up after being back in stock at retailers.

This has meant that getting a graphics card at MSRP is next to impossible until you get really lucky and come across freshly stocked parts.

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However, this is not the only reason for buying a prebuilt gaming PC in 2023. There are other factors that play a role in making prebuilt gaming PCs more attractive than ever.

One aspect of that is that prebuilt gaming PCs are a far cry from what they used to be. For the past decade, gamers have generally associated pre-built gaming PCs as being overpriced and made of interior-grade parts, but that’s no longer the case.

The recent popularity of prebuilt gaming PCs has resulted in manufacturers increasing the qualities of their prebuilt gaming PCs while at the same time making the price of these prebuilt gaming PCs more competitive than ever.

This reduction in price and increase in quality has made the case for pre-built gaming PCs very attractive with some incredible PCs available at every price point.

Some Prebuilt Gaming PCs Worth Considering

If you’re looking to go into 2023 with a solid gaming PC, then there are plenty of good pre-built options waiting for you at every price point.

For example, $1000 seems like a fair budget that gets you a good gaming PC. With that budget, you can get CyberPowerPC Gamer Xtreme VR, used by many Valorant streamers and pros.

With an Intel i5 and an Nvidia RTX 2060, CyberPower is a lovely gaming PC that can play any game you want. If you are interested in learning about more similar gaming PCs, check out


There’s no denying that 2023 is shaping up to be the year of pre-built gaming PCs. The chaos and turmoil of the past year in the custom PC building scene has continued to some degree and therefore going for a prebuilt gaming PC in 2023 seems like the most logical choice.

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We also can’t take away from the fact that the prebuilt gaming PC industry has gotten pretty hot recently with some amazing PC deals and it’s a long way from the past when prebuilt gaming PCs were nothing if not expensive.

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