Stephen Hawking’s terrible artificial intelligence prediction before his death

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A few weeks ago the 5th anniversary of the death of the famous astrophysicist Stephen Hawking was celebrated and, taking into account what the subject of artificial intelligence (AI) has caused to speak in recent days, it is worth going back to the not very predictions hopeful things the scientist did before he died about these tools.

Although it is true that companies and independent developers have been working with artificial intelligence models for many years, in recent times there has been an accelerated race to get the most advanced ones.

However, the contest in which large companies such as Microsoft and Google participate has not been viewed favorably by the rest of the experts and technology entrepreneurs, as they have warned that if norms and rules are not created to regulate their tests and development, these They can be detrimental to humanity.

However, this call for attention is not the first criticism that has been made of artificial intelligence, since physicist Stephen Hawking had previously expressed his concerns about AI.

Known for his great contributions to various fields of science, especially his work on the quantum theory of gravitation and the theory of black holes, Hawking, before his death, made some rather striking predictions about the future.

One of his most repeated warnings concerns the field of artificial intelligence, anticipating that the advancement of these technological tools may not be entirely positive for the human being.

In this sense, during an interview in 2014, the physicist argued that the development of full AI could bring about the end of humanity if it is capable of surpassing human intelligence.

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At the time, the scientist emphasized that while artificial intelligence was already quite advanced at the time, a much more developed AI could surpass humanity.

For his part, in his book “Short Answers to the Big Questions”, Hawking remarked that, given the possibility that AI surpasses human intelligence, man needed a new planet to inhabit in space in order to preserve humanity. humanity and the human race.

“Artificial intelligence could be the worst thing that has happened to humanity”, were one of the many reflections that the astrophysicist made before dying.

Still, Stephen Hawking emphasized that humanity could get the most out of these technologies only if ethical and legal standards were established to regulate their development and use.

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