Strange: American woman causes ruckus, delays flight by 3 hours, claims she sees someone who’s ‘not real’

Airborne incidents on flights have been on the rise recently. From passengers fighting to some taking part in indecent actions on the plane, people do all sorts of things on flights. A new addition to the list is a video showing a woman screaming at the top of her lungs, saying that she is seeing something on the plane that is “not real.”

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Woman claims to have seen someone ‘not real’, delays plane 3 hours

Woman Sees Someone Not Real Delays PlaneTwitter

In the clip making the rounds on the internet, the woman is seen crying and creating a ruckus as she walks down the hall and announces that she sees something down the hall that “isn’t real.” The whole ordeal left people scratching their heads because they couldn’t see whatever “Karen” claimed to have caught in the back of the plane.

While crying and walking down the aisle of the plane, the woman claims to see something unreal and demands to get off the flight. She yells, “I’m telling you, I’m getting the shit out of it and there’s a reason I’m getting the shit out of it and everyone can believe it or they can’t believe it.”

He added to his claims and continued to yell, “I don’t give a fuck, but I’m telling you right now that motherfucker in the back is NOT real.”

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A woman claims she sees someone in the back of an American Airlines flight who isn’t ‘real’

— Detect Fights 💕 (@detectfights) July 4, 2023

According to the New York Post, the incident occurred on Sunday during an American Airlines flight at Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport. The woman’s panic on the flight caused a three-hour delay.

Despite the fact that other passengers did not see anything as the woman claimed, she was not arrested. The airline has not yet ruled on the incident.

The internet saw an opportunity to put out memes

While the situation was confusing for the passengers on board, the internet was busy creating memes and having fun with the bizarre video.

One user admitted that their younger self would have played along and jumped on the train to claim that they too saw something in the back of the plane.

NGL, the wilder younger me would have been pretending I saw it and those digits would have been mine.

— Dominique Clare (@DomClare) July 4, 2023

Another user joked that the woman may have witnessed a scene from the live-action version of Scooby-Doo.

what she saw

— Young Pope💿✝️ (@IYoungPope) July 4, 2023

One more hilariously brought up a Mission Impossible reference.

Someone on mission impossible lol

— Rock (@RockRt66) July 4, 2023

One user claimed that they would have left the plane with her and believed him when he claimed that he saw something on the plane.

I always tell my friends/family that if I ever tell you that I see something that you can’t, believe me. I would have gone with her Lmaooooo

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—Jill (@Sheissssme) July 4, 2023

One was amused by how all the passengers turned their heads to inspect the back of the aisle as the woman came up and shouted her affirmations throughout the plane.

The way everyone turned their heads 😭🤣

— The third coming of Squidward (@squidward_3rd) July 4, 2023

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