Tata Technologies Expected IPO Date, Current GMP, Price, Lot Size, Allotment Dates

Check details about Tata Technologies IPO date, expected price, lot size, GMP and allotment dates in this article. Different details regarding Tata Technologies IPO date, expected price, lot size, GMP and allotment dates, and other important details are included in this article.

Tata Technologies IPO Date

Tata Technologies is one of the world’s leading engineering services companies. Tata Technologies provides services such as digital solutions and product development. This leading company uses its deep manufacturing knowledge to help its customers develop products that are safer and more sustainable.

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In addition, Tata Technologies offers digital transformation solutions for its clients. These important digital transformation solutions for clients drive profitable growth. From automotive to aerospace, Tata Technologies helps many industries in developing their products and providing them with digital solutions.

Tata Technologies Overview

Name Tata Technologies
Founded in 1989
Campus pune
Employees 11,000 +
Global delivery centers 19
Clients of 27 countries
CEO Warren Harris
CFO Savitha Balachandran
partners MIH, PTC, Kovair, Codincity, Logility, Dassault Systèmes, SAP, Siemens, Hexagon
Website tatatechnologies.com

Tata Technologies IPO expected price

The expected price of Tata Technologies IPO is around Rs 12,000 crore. The share price of Tata Technologies is expected to be around INR 295. However, companies offer a particular percentage discount to attract more investors. If there is a 10-15 per cent discount, Tata Technologies share price will range between INR 280 and INR 285.

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However, information about the actual price of Tata Technologies IPO will be revealed once the company finalizes the date and price bands. A detailed brochure will also be available on the SEBI website. However, many investors are looking forward to investing in Tata Technologies and the company will soon release the details of the IPO.

Tata Technologies IPO Details

The opening date of the Tata Technologies IPO is yet to be confirmed. However, the Tata Technologies IPO is likely to open at the end of August 2023 or in the first week of September. Additionally, details of its price range, price per share, lot size, minimum number of lots, number of shares, issue size, registrar information, etc. will be available shortly.

Tata Technologies IPO will be listed on BSE and NSE. Therefore, investors can easily check the Tata Technologies IPO subscription details on these Stock Exchange websites. Also, it will be a book type IPO.

Tata Technologies IPO Lot Size

Tata Technologies lot size will be available once the company finalizes the IPO dates and other relevant things. The minimum lot of the Tata Technologies IPO will contain a particular number of shares that investors can apply for.

Based on the number of Tata Technologies shares, the price of your minimum and maximum lots will be calculated. During the period between the opening and closing dates of the Tata Technologies IPO, retail investors can apply in any number of lots.

Tata Technologies share price

The company is yet to announce the price of each share of Tata Technologies. However, experts believe that the cost of each share will be around INR 280-285. Accordingly, investors will be able to apply in batches.

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As details regarding the Tata Technologies IPO are not currently available, the allotment date cannot be determined. However, it is expected that the Tata Technologies IPO allotment date could be scheduled in September. Soon, the company will provide the exact date of allotment of Tata Technologies IPO.

Tata Technologies Initial Public Offering Award Date

The allotment of Tata Technologies shares will take place soon after the closing date. The same number of shares that investors applied for during Tata Technologies’ IPO dates will be credited to investors’ Demat accounts.

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After the allocation of Tata Technologies IPO to the selected investors is completed, the remaining investors who did not receive the allocation will be refunded their money. To do this, the repayment initiation phase will take place shortly after the award date.

Tata Technologies IPO GMP and allotment dates

Tata Technologies GMP is around INR 84. Tata Technologies shares are traded in the gray market at a premium of INR 84. Every day Tata Technologies GMP changes. Detailed information about Tata Technologies assets, issue size, face value of shares, issue objectives, financial information, etc. can be found here. in their Red Herring prospectus.

Although Tata Technologies looks like a good company to invest in due to its revenue and global reach, customers are suggested to check all aspects of Tata Technologies’ IPP and company details before investing in it.

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Categories: Finance
Source: vtt.edu.vn

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