Teacher on leave after allegedly dressing as the devil and telling children ‘Hail Satan’

An Arizona high school teacher was kicked out of the classroom for allegedly dressing up as the devil and greeting students entering his classroom with “Hail, Satan.”

Nathaniel Hamlet, a sophomore at Mesa High School, claims his teacher came into class Wednesday wearing devil horns and carrying a pitchfork, which he waved over the students’ heads as they entered the room with the greeting, “Hail, Satan.” “.

“Some people thought it was funny, some people didn’t like it, some people were like ‘whatever,’ they just ignored it,” Hamlet told 12 News.

It was unclear whether the teacher was dressed up in anticipation of Halloween or because it was school spirit week, but Hamlet, a devout Christian, said he was offended and repeatedly asked the educator to stop.

“I said, ‘Don’t do that to me,’ and I pressured him. [the pitchfork] away maybe three or four times,” the teenager said.

“And he still said it and did it,” he said.

An Arizona high school teacher allegedly dressed as the devil and greeted students entering his classroom with “Hail, Satan.” 12 news

Hamlet then told his father, Chris Hamlet, a former Mesa Public Schools board candidate, who reported the incident to the principal.

“Of course, I was furious because I am a Christian too,” said the elder Hamlet. “What really made me change is that he kept saying no and the teacher kept insisting.”

The teacher, who has not been publicly identified, was not in the classroom the next day and has not returned since.

Christian student Nathaniel Hamlet said his teacher kept telling students “Hail, Satan” after they asked him to stop several times.12 News “I don’t think it’s right, joking or not. “If you’re going to leave out the Christian things, then you have to leave out the things that worship the devil,” Hamlet’s father said. 12 news

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Mesa Public Schools said the educator has been placed on paid administrative leave while it investigates.

“I feel like that’s fair, but he did it repeatedly to everyone,” the teen said. “So I feel like he should probably be fired.”

His father agreed, telling the outlet, “I don’t think it’s right, whether it’s a joke or not. “If you’re going to leave out the Christian things, then you have to leave out the devil-worshiping things.”

Other parents told 12 News that while they disagreed with what the teacher did, they felt he should not be fired for the incident. 12 news

Other parents who did not want to give their names to 12 News said that while they did not agree with what the teacher did, they felt he should not be fired for the incident.

In a statement, Mesa Public Schools said they are investigating what happened.

“Mesa Public Schools administration was notified of the alleged incident at Mesa High School on Wednesday afternoon after school hours,” the district said.

“Our Human Resources department began the investigation Thursday morning and placed the teacher on paid administrative leave pending the outcome of the investigation. “The investigation is ongoing.”

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Source: vtt.edu.vn

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