The internal fight of the Democrats over the war between Israel and Hamas disorganizes the party: “The president is making it even more difficult”

Democrats are locked in behind-the-scenes battles over Israel’s war on Hamas, as left-wing staffers at both the Democratic National Committee and the State Department voice increasingly strident demands for a ceasefire, threatening to tear the party apart. amidst President Biden’s re-election. electoral effort.

“The president focused his 2020 campaign on a ‘Battle for the Soul of the Nation,’ but it appears the administration is currently in a battle for its own soul,” an anonymous Democratic National Committee official told Axios on Saturday.

“I don’t know how you can view support for the large-scale killing of Palestinian civilians as anything other than immoral,” the official said.

“This promises to be a long and grueling campaign, and the president is making it even more difficult” by supporting Israel, complained another party leader.

On Friday, 51 Democratic National Committee staff members signed an open letter demanding that party leaders pressure Biden to call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, the Huffington Post reported.

President Biden has called for a “pause” in Israel’s war against Hamas to bring aid to civilians, but not the complete ceasefire that some young Democrats are demanding.AP

“As strategic partners of the administration… we believe it is the moral obligation of the Democratic National Committee to urge President Biden to publicly call for a ceasefire,” wrote the staffers, who represent more than 15% of fundraisers and organizers. party campaign.

“I think many of us feel that it is becoming more difficult to concentrate on our work,” said one of the signatories.

The divide is mainly between young, pro-Palestinian progressives and older Democrats sympathetic to Israel, staffers said, echoing internal clashes over the Vietnam War that derailed President Lyndon B. Johnson’s 1968 re-election.

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An Israeli airstrike destroyed this house in Gaza City on Saturday as the IDF attacks terrorists hiding among civilians.AP

The letter from Democratic National Committee staff came a day after Senate Majority Leader Dick Durbin became the first senator to demand an end to Israel’s military campaign against the Palestinian terrorist group.

Biden has not called for an Israeli ceasefire, only a “pause” in the fighting to “give time to remove the prisoners.”

Meanwhile, a career State Department official has publicly criticized Biden repeatedly in X, accusing him of being “complicit in genocide.”

The Democratic Party is in the midst of an internal struggle with Biden’s re-election bid on the horizon.REUTERS

“Your rhetoric and approach from day one have resulted in the deaths of thousands,” foreign affairs official Sylvia Yacoub wrote to Biden on Oct. 30, the Washington Free Beacon reported, one of more than a half-dozen speeches at the social networks that it has launched. to her top boss since the war between Israel and Hamas began last month.

“There is so much blood on your hands.”

Yacoub, a former Obama Foundation associate and organizer for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign, has since locked her account.

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