This is how the first Americans begin to prepare Christmas dinner

According to research, Americans start preparing Christmas dinner at 9:36 am.

A survey of 2,000 adults revealed how early households start preparing the long-awaited meal, and it takes just over three hours to prepare everything.

The ideal time to eat it is at 3:45 p.m., and it will take three more days to eat all the leftovers before food boredom sets in.

It turns out that 16% say the best thing about the holiday season is preparing Christmas Day dinner, even though 44% consider the food aspect the most stressful above any other national holiday.

The study, commissioned by bakery brand St Pierre and conducted by OnePoll, found that almost four in ten (38%) claim to be the most creative with their dishes this festive season.

However, 54% admit to feeling nervous every time they have to think about preparing or cooking food for this or any other national celebration.

Christmas tops the list of Americans’ favorite holidays. SWNS

Despite this, Christmas was voted the favorite holiday of the year by 49% for reasons including spending time with family (35%), enjoying exchanging gifts (28%) and enjoying decorating the Christmas tree beforehand. of the celebration. the big day (23%).

“We were surprised to see how early people start preparing their Christmas Day meal, but it is a dish that is taken very seriously and it is important to get it right,” a St Pierre spokesperson said.

“For many families, keeping up with seasonal food traditions is part of what makes each holiday season so special: food appears in the top ten most enjoyed aspects for Thanksgiving, Halloween, Easter and, of course, Christmas”.

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The study also asked respondents about other national holidays and saw Thanksgiving coming in second place (20%), followed by New Year’s (7%), Halloween (6%), and Independence Day (4). %).

When it comes to decorating, Christmas takes first place as the favorite holiday to decorate with (64%), with 19% voting for Halloween, putting it second on the list.

Meanwhile, 61% will leave their holiday decorations up longer compared to other known holidays.

Of those surveyed, 46% say they are the most experimental for the December holidays in terms of decoration, costumes and parties.

Santa Claus takes first place as the most beloved national holiday character, with The Grinch (12%), Michael Myers (6%) and Santa’s Elves (8%) also making the list.

Portrait of a handsome young black man proposing a toast at a Christmas dinner table.  Family and friends sharing meals, raising glasses with champagne, toasting, celebrating a winter holidayAmericans start preparing Christmas dinner before 10 a.m. Getty Images

“The excitement for the big day is truly here, and people will be doing their annual food and gift haul if they haven’t already finished it,” the spokesperson added.

“Food and festivities can bring people together like nothing else. Food is more than a meal on your plate; It is the nostalgia of family recipes, it is the experience shared with loved ones and they are memories created to be treasured.”




New Year


Independence Day



Veterans Day

June 16

Memorial Day


Santa Claus

The Grinch

The Thanksgiving Turkey

Santa’s elves

Mrs. Claus

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