Two dead and 56 injured in two explosions at a liquefied petroleum plant in Romania

A pair of massive explosions at an unlicensed liquefied petroleum plant in Romania have killed at least two people and injured 56 others, including 39 first responders.

The first explosion rocked the town of Crevedia, near the capital Bucharest, forcing authorities to evacuate nearby houses and shut down local traffic as flames spread to two fuel tanks, according to a BBC report.

The second explosion sent a gigantic mushroom cloud into the sky and injured more than two dozen firefighters who had rushed to the scene, officials told the news outlet.

Two people, a couple who were not identified, died while others, including several police officers, were in critical condition, some with severe burns.

“We believe it is almost certain that four of the patients will be transferred tonight to hospitals in Italy and Belgium,” Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu told reporters on Sunday morning.

A pair of explosions at a Romanian liquefied petroleum gas plant on Saturday killed at least two people and left 56 others, including 39 first responders, seriously injured. Government officials said the plant did not have a license to operate, via REUTERS
In the photo, a second massive explosion at a Romanian liquefied petroleum plant sent rescuers rushing.Two explosions at an unlicensed liquefied petroleum gas plant near the Romanian capital of Bucharest on Saturday sent huge mushroom clouds into the air, killing two people and forcing the evacuation of neighboring houses, authorities said.BBC

Romanian Deputy Interior Minister Raed Arafat said the plant did not have a license to operate.

In a Facebook post, Romanian President Klaus Iohannis expressed his condolences.

“At the moment, the zero priority is to provide those affected with all the necessary support and facilitate their access to emergency treatment,” he wrote. “As soon as the situation in the risk zone stabilizes, it will be necessary to promptly launch an investigation to determine whether the laws and regulations have been infringed.”

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Pictured are first responders on closed roads after the explosion of a liquefied petroleum plant in Romania.Authorities in Crevedia, near the Romanian capital of Bucharest, shut down local traffic and evacuated nearby houses after a pair of deadly explosions rocked an unlicensed liquefied petroleum plant on Saturday, authorities said. bbc
Pictured are firefighters who were injured at a liquefied petroleum gas plant in Romania.Authorities said 39 first responders, including this firefighter, were seriously injured when two explosions rocked an unlicensed liquefied petroleum plant near the Romanian capital of Bucharest on Saturday. The explosions killed at least two people.AP

“I call on the authorities to take immediate action for the injured so that the tragedies of the past are not repeated,” Iohannis added.

Liquefied petroleum gas is a mixture of hydrocarbon gases that is popular in Eastern Europe as a cheaper alternative to gasoline and diesel, but it is highly combustible.

Authorities said an investigation is underway to find the cause of the deadly explosion.

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