Vandals cut down Jackie Robinson statue and stole it from Kansas park days before Black History Month

A prized statue of Jackie Robinson was stolen Thursday from a public park in Kansas by thieves who cut away the bronze sculpture, leaving only the feet of the iconic baseball player.

The brazen robbery, described by officials as “horrendous” and “disgusting,” took place just a week before the start of Black History Month.

“More than frustration, I’m angry to see this happen,” said Wichita City Council member Brandon Johnson.

“This was disgusting. “This should never happen.”

Thieves sometime overnight attacked the League 42 baseball fields at McAdams Park, which also houses the Jackie Robinson Pavilion.

Surveillance footage shows at least two people knocking down the massive statue and loading it into a silver van.

City officials theorize that criminals are planning to sell the beloved statue for scrap metal — installing the sculpture cost the city more than $100,000 in 2021.

The sentimental value, however, is much greater, they said.

Thieves stole the statue in the middle of the night. Wichita Police Department/Facebook

“It has a huge impact on the history of our community, the history of baseball, what Jackie Robinson really means and this move is really the opposite of everything Jackie Robinson stood for. That’s why I find it appalling,” said Troy Houtman, director of Parks and Recreation.

According to Houtman, the park has been dealing with a rash of vandalism in recent months.

Hoping thieves will realize they will have trouble trying to sell the iconic statue, officials are offering the chance to return it “no questions asked.”

A bronze statue of Jackie Robinson, a baseball player.Police believe the thieves will try to save the statue in exchange for cash. Wichita Police Department/Facebook

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“We went ahead and repaired this statue. Hopefully they will be smart enough to do it and bring the statue back so we can make the repair. If not, I think we will find other actions that could be taken,” Houtman said.

The Wichita Metro Crime Commission on Friday offered a reward of up to $2,500 for tips leading to arrests and another $5,000 for tips leading to the recovery of the statue.

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