Victoria Nuland South Africa, America’s Secret Scheme against BRICS currency?

Famous writer Oscar Van Heerden recently spoke up about the visit of US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland. Oscar Van Heerden said “a series of devious stratagems” is the title of an artwork but is it in Victoria Nuland’s mind when she visits South Africa next month? If you are unversed in Stratagems, it is a plan or scene to trick the opponent especially used to outwit him. He also refers to Victoria Nuland as the infamous warmonger, who is a US under-secretary of state for political affairs. She is a globally acknowledge personality who prefers diplomatic tactics that are less famous and more overthrowing. You are asked to stick with this page and go through this column till the end to learn more details.

Victoria Nuland South Africa

Victoria Nuland South Africa

The last time when Victoria Nuland visited South Africa was in 2021. She traveled to South Africa from July 31 to August 6 in Botswana, Tanzania, and Niger. The undersecretary for political affairs of the US, Victoria Nuland met the senior South African officials and co-chair the Working Group on African and Global Issues. Notably, the undersecretary for political affairs Victoria Nuland also offered a donation of $5.66 million to South Africa for Covid-19 vaccine doses. She also met with business leaders and civil society. Notable, Victoria Nuland met with President Mokgweetsi Masisi in Botswana to advance their relations on democracy, economic prosperity, security in South Africa, and the climate crisis.

When she traveled to Niger, Victoria Nuland met President Mohamed Bazoum to have talks on security in the Sahel, economic growth, and strengthening governance. She discussed focusing on strengthening democracy, enhancing security, and fighting Covid-19 when she traveled to Tanzania. However, Oscar van Heerden is trying to beware of the regime change stratagem that he believes to be upon them. This allegedly was the case when there was a famous uprising of the Ukrainian civilians against their democratically elected president which resulted in fleeing the country. ‘

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There are rumors that the under-secretary for political affairs of the US, Victoria Nuland allegedly helped orchestrate the uprising of the Ukrainian people against the elected president. In addition, Victoria Nuland was part of Bill Clinton’s administration when the US invaded Somalia. When Bush invaded Iraq and killed Saddam Hussein, she was with him and she was also a part of Obama’s administration when they invaded and killed Libya’s leader. He is worried about Victoria Nuland’s visit just a few months before the general elections in South Africa.

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