VIDEO: Video of Russian beheading in Ukraine surfaced online as footage appears to show Russian soldiers beheading Ukrainian soldiers

Almost a year has passed but the fighting between Russia and Ukraine continues. Most of the destruction has happened only in Ukraine and because of that, the president of Russia faced a lot of criticism, but no country is interfering. Many Ukrainian citizens have lost their lives and many have even been made homeless. One more video shows a horrible incident that has gone viral on social media. People are angry and sad after watching the video and the graphics are enough to give anyone goosebumps. In this video, a man’s throat is visible.

Russian beheading video in Ukraine

Someone has posted this video online and it only takes a few seconds for it to go viral and get lots of views and comments. Now, after this beheading video went viral, Ukraine has likened Russia to a terrorist organization. This shows that the tension between the two countries is increasing instead of decreasing and the consequences are faced by the ordinary citizen of Ukraine. Reports indicate that Ukrainian officials condemned Russian forces after rounds of videos on social media appeared to show the scene of a Ukrainian prisoner being beheaded with a knife.

The video has been removed from social media after seeing the horrible scene, but there are some people who have already downloaded it and are now sharing it with each other. But those people who haven’t seen this viral video are looking for the link. Some want to know the authenticity of the video. However, our website cannot verify its authenticity. But our sources are trying to find it and the moment we get it, we’ll instantly mention it here.

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Russian beheading video in UkraineRussian beheading video in Ukraine

Video shows Russian soldiers beheading Ukrainian soldiers

The keyword shows what is depicted in the video and people search for the video using a specific keyword that says “Beheading Video”. We already clarified before that we do not know who publishes this video and from which account, but it is currently a trend on the web. In the viral video, a uniformed man is seen beheading a man wearing the yellow armband usually worn by Ukrainian soldiers. However, the video is very blurry and contains a voice at the beginning, suggesting that the victim could still be alive when this deadly attack began.

Russian beheading video in Ukraine

The identification of the suspect and the victim has not yet been made, but we hope to get the details. Apart from that, the Kremlin called this horrible scene “horrible” and stated that its authenticity should be verified. On the other hand, Moscow has denied in the past that its soldiers have committed atrocities at the time of the conflict. Now the president of Ukraine has also spoken about it and has stated that “There is something that no one in the entire world can ignore: the ease with which these beasts kill.”

Russian beheading video in Ukraine

Images of Russian soldiers beheading Ukrainian soldiers explained

Volodymyr Zelenskyy further added that “It is not easy for us to forget Russia’s cruelty and we are not going to forget anything. Nor are we going to forgive the murderers. There will be legal liability for everything. Now this video and its cruelty show us that the defeat of terror is required.” Dmytro Kuleba, Ukraine’s Foreign Minister, explained the video as “scary and horrifying.” He tweeted about it saying: “It makes no sense for Russia, which is worse than ISIS, to run over the UN Security Council.” He wrote this tweet referring to the United Nations Security Council, where Russia took over the rotating presidency in April.

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Russian beheading video in Ukraine

He further added that “Russian terrorists must be expelled from our country (Ukraine) and from the UN and held accountable for their grave crimes.” ISIS (ISIL) was known for posting videos of the beheading of prisoners when they controlled swathes of Syria and Iraq from 2014-2017. Ukraine’s national security agency (SBU) stated that it has launched an investigation into the alleged war criminals. The SBU agency wrote on Telegram that it says: “Yesterday, a video appeared on the web showing how the occupiers of Russia are seeing their horrible and bestial nature: cruelly torturing a prisoner from Ukraine and even beheading him.”

Russian beheading video in Ukraine

Nabila Massrali, the EU spokesperson, affirms that “We do not have many details about the veracity of the video. Having stated that, she claimed, this is yet another cruel reminder of the inhumane and horrible nature of Russia’s aggression.” This viral video comes a day after a separate video surfaced on pro-Russian social media accounts showing the bodies of 2 headless Ukrainian soldiers next to the destroyed military car. This video is circulating on the web and people are feeling sad for the family of the victim. They are paying tribute to him and condemning the Russian soldier for his inhumane act.

Russian beheading video in Ukraine

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