VIDEO: Young man dances with a photo of his deceased mother at his graduation

A young man caused commotion on social networks after he decided to honor the memory of his deceased mother and dance with her photograph during his graduation.

The student was identified as Cristóbal, a young man originally from El Salvador, and during the dance he could not hold back his tears as he remembered his mother.

But he did not stop at any time and even at the end of the participation he was surrounded by his schoolmates, giving him a big hug at that difficult moment.

In the video shared by the TikTok user carmensegovia785 The young man is seen dancing with the painting that contains a huge photograph of his mother smiling, while his other classmates dance with their mothers or some other family member.

The videos received several comments, where users indicated that he is a strong student and that his mother would be proud of him.

“Strenght Cristóbal, your mom is proud of you boy, blessings”, “Here I am crying for you, wishing I could give you a hug, I know this world is hard but I send you my best vibes”, “I don’t know your story, but I “I am moved to the soul, I send you a big hug,” were some comments.

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