Where is Gilberto Santa Rosa from Yo me llama Ecuador from? This is known

Find out who Gilberto Santa Rosa is and where he is from, a participant in the program ‘Yo me llama’. Below are all the details:

In the last few hours, many people have asked about Gilberto Santa Rosa, a person who became known on a singing program called ‘Yo me llama Ecuador’.

However, his real name is not Gilberto Santa Rosa, who is actually a Puerto Rican salsa singer, nicknamed ‘The gentleman of salsa’, but Raúl Gutiérrez, originally from Peru.

And in August 2023, this character was a trend in the South American country, as he left this show in Ecuador to go to Colombia, something that was not well received by the public in that country.

The imitator gave as an argument that he had another offer from the coffee-growing country and that it was important to him: “I am receiving the offer to be able to belong to the Duel of Champions program, and that is important to me.“, he mentioned.

The Gilberto Santa Rosa impersonator abandoned Ecuador’s ‘Yo me llama’. Photo: Courtesy

Raúl Gutiérrez in Colombia

Although Gutiérrez spoke specifically about Duel de Campeones, the truth is that he is in Colombia, but in the program ‘Yo me llama’ from that country.

What a level of detail. We are now official members of the School of Yo me nombre Colombia“, he wrote with a video where he shows a backpack from the program that Caracol broadcasts.

Where is Raúl Gutiérrez from?

See this post on Instagram

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Although the above happened a few months ago, users have been interested in meeting Raúl Gutiérrez, a character who imitates Gilberto Santa Rosa, a Puerto Rican salsa singer.

As mentioned above, Gutiérrez is originally from Peru. He also highlights in his Instagram stories that he makes a living from music and that he has been working on his characters for 10 years.

Gutiérrez usually publishes all his work and musical experiences on his social networks. With his character he has reached the fourth finalist of ‘Yo me nombre Panamá’ and the second finalist in ‘My name was Peru‘.

Categories: Trending
Source: vtt.edu.vn

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