Who Is Louise Ruzzier? Woman released on Ramaphosa’s special remission

If you have been active on the internet or follow news headlines regularly, you must have heard the name Louise Ruzzier. Louise Ruzzier is a convicted murderer. Recently, her name came to the light when she was released on Ramaphosa’s special remission. Since Louise Ruzzier was released amid the special remission, people have been once again left keen to know who is Louise Ruzzier and what was her deeds. Of course, many have loaded questions about Louise Ruzzier on the internet. Though, we have pondered all the imperative questions in the following sections. In this article, we will share all the imperative details about Louise Ruzzier that you need to know. You are just required to stick with this page and go through this article till the end. Drag down the page for more details. Take a look below.

Crime Scene

Who Is Louise Ruzzier?

Louise Ruzzier was found guilty of culpable homicide. Meanwhile, she was sentenced to two years under correctional supervision. Before releasing on Monday, Louise Ruzzier had been under correctional supervision for over a year as she was sentenced to 24 months after a culpable homicide. Louise Ruzzier’s parole officer called her on Monday with good news as she was released on special remission of Ramaphosa after serving the sentence for more than a year. Read what Louise Ruzzier said when she was released before completing her 24-month sentence. Swipe down the page and read more details.

Louise Ruzzier said, “I just want to get on with my life”. Some people did not like Louise Ruzzier’s release as one person said, “He is paying back for CR17 as he is nothing but a puppet on strings. He has a soft heart for racist killers too. Christ Hani’s killer was also released by same “our constitution” president, the list goes on” Another quoted, “So much for non-violent or serious crimes! Once again there is no justice for the victims and criminals get away with their crimes. It is no surprise so many communities end up taking the law into their own hands. It may not be right but it would not happen if the law was not failing the people.” Swipe down the page and read more details.

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Cyril Ramaphosa approved the remission of non-violent criminals in the country on August 11, 2023. Ramaphosa’s remission made eligible nonsexual and non-violent offenders for up to two years. Louise Ruzzier who is convicted of culpable homicide which is not amount to murder, was also released from jail. Stay tuned to this website for more details and further updates.

Categories: Trending
Source: vtt.edu.vn

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