Who is Matthew Garrett Millbrae? Taylor Middle School teacher arrested for sexual assault of student

It is sad to share yet another similar news of sexual misconduct within the school premises. As usual, a teacher has been arrested in this case, which made everyone angry. One after another, many cases have been filed showing that many teachers are engaging in such crimes and worry about students and their safety. This time too, a sixth grader has been arrested for allegedly sexually assaulting students. That means not one or two, but he has assaulted several students and it seems his crime has finally come to an end.

Who is Matthew Garrett Millbrae?

Whoever listens to his case wants strict action against him so that others will learn a lesson. Keep reading to know more. According to the latest report, a teacher working at Millbrae High School was taken into custody on Thursday, April 20, 2023. He was arrested in connection with the sexual assault of students and this news is officially confirmed by the county sheriff’s office. Defendant identified as 54-year-old Matthew Garrett. The report states that he is accused of sexually assaulting and touching young students from 2007 to 2022.


Investigators investigating this matter stated that they learned the news of the sexual assault on February 24, 2023. SMCSO officers instantly responded to the school located at 850 Taylor Blvd, at around 05:00 p.m. for the alleged assault. sexual of the student. After learning of the allegation, the defendant was placed on administrative leave as stated by SMCSO. An investigation revealed that the assault occurred between the month of November 2021 and March 2022.

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High school teacher Taylor arrested

As the sheriff’s office investigates the assault, the investigating officers learn that there are also other victims who became prey to his crime. There are many juvenile sufferers seeking justice. SMCSO claims they claimed they were grossly and inappropriately touched between the years of 2007 and 2022. After the incident was reported, Garrett was detained at his San Francisco residence. Reports indicate that he was booked into the Maguire Correctional Center on 10 counts of sexually abusing a child under the age of 14 and is also being held on $5 million bail.


San Mateo County Sheriff Christina Corpus states, “Teachers are the caregivers our children are entrusted to help protect and safeguard them while they are at school. What this suspect is accused of doing to the students under her care is abominable and runs away from all good. These are difficult cases to investigate, but our office is committed to safeguarding and serving the children of our community.”

Categories: Trending
Source: vtt.edu.vn

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