Young man receives his university degree dressed in a Mexican costume

A young man showed how proud he is of his roots by posting on a TikTok video how he received his college degree at the graduation ceremony.

Holcan Mattero López, a young student who recently graduated in Biochemical Engineering from the Tecnológico Nacional de México, went viral by defying the conventional expectations of attending a Mexican costume and arriving at his graduation ceremony wearing a traditional pre-Hispanic costume.

The recent graduate walked to the podium to receive his diploma certifying him as a biochemical engineer, while all his classmates, teachers and those present at the event began to fill him with applause.

“I graduated as a Biochemical Engineer. Resisting a social and cultural lag of 500 years!” he wrote in the caption of the publication.

When Holcan reached the teachers, he began to greet them with a handshake.

Everyone looked at him with pride and the teacher who was in charge of giving him his recognition said a few words to him and then they both posed for a photo, while they both smiled.

The publication left several comments on social networks, where users applauded his action.

“You say that you are honoring all of Mexico, you are wrong because you are honoring the whole of America! Thank you brother”, “You should be a teacher too, we have a lot to learn from you”, “He put on a gala suit for the occasion, that’s it! Congratulations!” are some messages.

Read: Honduran dresses ‘elegantly’ at his graduation with an Olimpia shirt

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