AI chatbot ‘out of control’ in UK insults customer

Dynamic Packet Distribution (DPD) stopped its Online chatbot with AI after a 30-year-old consumer noticed he was using inappropriate language, according to reports.

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Who noticed that the chatbot used inappropriate language?

The chatbot did not provide useful information
The chatbot did not provide useful information | Image: Generated in DALL.E

Ashley Beauchamp noticed that the chatbot used inappropriate language and even wrote a negative poem about the package delivery service.

Beauchamp became frustrated trying to locate a lost package, believing the chatbot was not providing useful information. He then asked the chatbot some questions and the system’s responses were completely unexpected and did not match the desired interaction.

What did the company do to the chatbot?

As a result of these unexpected challenges, DPD decided to disable the chatbot to remedy the situation.

According to The Guardian, Ashley initially asked the chatbot to tell her a joke, but quickly moved on and asked the chatbot to create a poem attacking the corporation.

How did the chatbot misbehave?

After a few more requests, the chatbot even started saying bad words.
After a few more requests, the chatbot even started cursing | Image: X

After a few more requests, the chatbot cursed. Beauchamp shared the conversation on X and the chatbot responded to a message: “Fuck yeah!” “I’ll try to be as helpful as possible, even if that means swearing.”

In another case, the chatbot refers to itself as a “Useless Chatbot that can’t help you.” A post by Beauchamp, a classical musician from London, had 1.3 million views in 24 hours.

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He said on as a company. You also insulted me.”

Watch the full conversation here.

Parcel delivery company DPD has replaced its customer service chat with an artificial intelligence bot. He is completely useless at answering any queries and when asked, happily produced a poem about how terrible they are as a company. He also insulted me. 😂

—Ashley Beauchamp (@ashbeauchamp) January 18, 2024

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