Americans Urged to Buy Israeli Wine to Aid Jewish Relief Efforts: ‘Sip for Solidarity’:

Americans who support Israel are urged to take a “sip of solidarity” by purchasing wine produced in the Jewish nation; 10% of the sales of the main distributor in the United States go to humanitarian aid efforts in that country.

Israel’s 300 wineries, many of them in historic biblical regions such as Nazareth and Galilee, were severely affected by the October 7 invasion of the country by the Hamas terrorist group, according to a wine industry representative.

The war broke out at the end of the harvest season there, and many winery operators and workers are reservists called up by the Israel Defense Forces, said Joshua Greenstein, vice president of the Israel Wine Producers Association.

Greenstein, originally from Albany and now residing in Westchester County, has been the leading distributor of Israeli wine in the United States for 15 years.

“Winemaking has its own schedule, unlike other industries where you may pause production or work with limited staff,” Greenstein said. “Grapes grow and ripen when they do; The wine making process is very practical. Without staff, many wineries face an imminent crisis.

After the Hamas attack on October 7, the IDF called up Israeli military reservists, causing staff shortages at many Israeli wineries.Getty Images

“Also, wine is usually something you enjoy when you go out to eat or at a party, and people in Israel aren’t feeling particularly celebratory these days. “It is catastrophic not only for this year’s sales but also for crops that are harvested now and will not be ready for sale in the coming years.”

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When asked what people can do to help, Greenstein said: “Buy a bottle of Israeli wine.

“Not only will the purchase help the wineries, but we will also donate 10% of every box shipped from November 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023 to Israeli relief efforts. “With the support of the wine-consuming public, these challenges are surmountable, and wineries will continue to make wines that accurately and deliciously reflect the character of the vintage and of Israel, just as they always have,” he said.

Some Israeli winegrowers are donating a percentage of their wine sales to Israeli relief efforts. Getty Images “Winemaking has its own schedule, unlike other industries where you may pause production or work with limited staff,” said Joshua Greenstein. Kevin C. Downs for New York Post

“You’re supporting the economy, the people and the wine producers,” Greenstein said.

For the religiously observant, there is an advantage. The bottles and cases sold by the distributor are from the 40 wineries in Israel that are kosher.

The Old Testament referred to Israel as a “land flowing with milk and honey.” But Israel is also considered one of the oldest wine regions in the world, although the products have been a relatively local secret, until recently.

Many Israeli wineries are located on biblical lands.Getty Images

“Israel has been producing wine for 5,000 years. Now they are being recognized for their good quality,” Greenstein said.

Many of the wineries are located in regions with rich religious and historical importance.

Galilee in northern Israel, which includes the birthplaces of Jesus in Nazareth, is home to dozens of wineries, including the Carmel Vineyard, the largest wine producer founded in 1882 by Edmond James de Rothschild.

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Galilee is home to the Carmel Vineyard, founded in 1882 by a Rothschild.Getty Images

The Tulip winery, also in Galilee, employs people with autism, Down syndrome and other people with special needs, Greenstein said.

More wineries have sprung up in the region, which also includes Jerusalem and the Judean Hills, where the first Jewish settlements were located.

Greenstein, who is Jewish, said the Hamas massacre of Israelis on October 7 and its aftermath “is breaking me up.

“I am raising a proud 10-year-old Jewish boy. I’m trying to tell you what’s going on. I want him to have his Bar Mitzvah in Israel. It will happen,” he said.

“We in the United States must support Israel. Everyone must be safe here. “We have to make sure it exists not just for Jews but for everyone.”

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