Anthony Scaramucci Helps Organize Mayor Adams’ Tony Hamptons Fundraiser

New York City Mayor Eric Adams got a boost from an unusual source at a swanky fundraiser in the Hamptons over the weekend: former President Donald Trump’s short-lived communications director, Anthony Scaramucci.

The Mooch, who survived fewer than 11 days as the Republican president’s media front man in 2017, was touted in a flyer as co-hosting Southampton’s swanky two-hour reception on Saturday in support of Adams.

Scaramucci was joined by John Catsimatidis, Todd Shapiro, Charlene Gayle, David Schwartz, Hon. Robert Cornegy, Hon. David Paterson, Victoria Schneps. Vincent Levien, James Malls, Andrew Ansbro and Michael Pitsinos to “cordially invite” other supporters to join them at the Capri Hotel Southampton, according to the flyer, of which The Post obtained a copy.

The 59-year-old financier had supported the Democratic mayor during the contentious 2021 New York City mayoral race. Adams will not run for re-election until 2025.

Eric Adams FundraiserThe fundraising flyer obtained by The Post.
antonio scaramucciAnthony Scaramucci is a billionaire who founded SkyBridge Capital.Getty Images

Adams has portrayed himself as a “pragmatic” Democrat who is more supportive of law enforcement and less afraid of opposing progressive orthodoxy than other members of his party.

Despite being an outspoken Republican, Scaramucci has a history of being nice to Empire State Democrats.

Last year, for example, he became the first guest on former Governor Andrew Cuomo’s podcast, “As a Matter of Fact… with Andrew Cuomo.”

Scaramucci is currently endorsing Trump foe and former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie in the 2024 Republican primary for president.

The Mooch has also strongly warned against a second Trump term.

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Eric AdamsThe Hamptons Fundraiser for Mayor Adams was held from 3-5 pm on Saturday. Getty Images

“A good third of our country would like to see an insecure thug back in power. You have to think about that and what went wrong ”, he recently published in X, formerly Twitter.

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