Australian woman suspended from her job for sending offensive and racist emails to an Indian man

In Australia, a real estate agent has been suspended for sending a racist email to a former Indian tenant. In the email, he criticized India’s cleanliness habits and expressed concern about India’s influence in the country.

This happened in May 2021, when Sandeep Kumar disputed a cleaning bill deduction from his security deposit, Australian website reported.

In the email, Bronwyn Pollitt, director of Mavin Real Estate, compared Australia’s standards and quality of living to the “overcrowding, overcrowding and dirty drunkenness” of many countries, including India.

In the email, he hoped that Indian immigrants would not turn Australia into “the filth that is India.”

The email was forwarded to the Western Australia State Administrative Court, which found Pollitt unfit to hold an estate and business agent’s license for eight months from 1 September.

In the email, Pollitt said: “I, as a white Australian, believe that you and others come to Australia because you want to enjoy the beautiful way of life that we enjoy. Clean fresh air, jobs or, if you can’t get a job, social support, medical help and” There is no overpopulation. However, it all starts with cleaning up rental properties and being aware of what is left and knowing that the same thing as India will become in Perth if attitudinal changes are not made.”

In an email, Pollitt later apologized to Kumar, saying he did not mean to be racist.

“First of all, I apologize if you think I have been racist against you.” she said. “That was never my intention.” The court heard that Pollitt was under significant pressure due to the Covid-19 pandemic, regulatory changes and the increase in rental disputes.

Suresh Rajan, an advocate for ethnic communities, urged the police to investigate the incident. He called it one of the most serious cases of blatant racism he has witnessed in years and suggested it may have violated racial defamation laws in the criminal code.

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(With PTI inputs)

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