Bangalore woman’s extraordinary multitasking in traffic goes viral

Often referred to as India’s Silicon Valley, Bengaluru has gained notoriety for its infamous traffic conditions. The city’s meteoric rise as a major IT and business hub has led to a rapid increase in population and an increase in the number of vehicles on its streets.

With a high concentration of technology companies, educational institutions, and a growing population, Bangalore experiences heavy traffic congestion on a daily basis.

The city’s infrastructure, originally designed to accommodate a smaller population, struggles to cope with the exponential growth of vehicles. Ongoing construction projects, frequent road repairs, and the presence of multiple arterial roads intersecting at major junctions further exacerbate congestion.

Similar news has been circulating since yesterday, with people raging on social media over being stuck in traffic for hours. In the midst of this, a photo has gone viral on the Internet. Have a look.

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Woman works on her laptop while stuck in traffic

Bangalore peak moment. Women working on a quick bike ride to the office. #Traffic jam #Traffic Alert #bangaloretraffic #bangalore #barricade #picobangalore

—Nihar Lohiya (@nihar_lohiya) May 16, 2023

An image of a woman working on her laptop while riding a Rapido bike companion through the busy streets of Bangalore is going viral on the internet, illustrating just that. The photograph was taken along the Koramangala-Agara-Outer Ring Road section.

Nihar Lohiya posted a photo on Twitter and it quickly went viral. “Bangalore’s peak moment. Women working on a quick bike ride to office,” she captioned.

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However, the traffic on the route was caused by a fallen tree damaged by a truck near the military gate of the service road near Ibbalur on the outer ring road.

A truck hit a tree near the military gate of the service road near Ibbalur on the outer ring road and the tree fell causing traffic congestion for which motorists coming from Silk Board towards Ibbulur Junction are requested to move by an alternate route.

— Sujeetha Salman, IPS (@DCPSouthTrBCP) May 16, 2023

Sujeetha Salman, Deputy Commissioner of Police (Southern Traffic Division), shared information with commuters on Twitter, asking them to “take an alternate road route.”

People said this ‘shouldn’t be glorified’

Lohiya’s post drew attention and received several comments.

One man wrote: “Imagine the pressure, the feeling of being lost in your own city where you work 10+ hour days, the disdain. All I needed was a quiet, traffic-free road where I could commute from home and not takes into account the “extra” hour needed to travel through a 5 kilometer stretch.

Imagine the pressure, the feeling of being lost in your own city where you work more than 10 hours a day, the disdain. All he needed was a quiet, traffic-free road where he could safely commute from home and not mind the “extra” hour it takes to travel across a 5km stretch.

— souravbasuroy (@souravbasuroy) May 16, 2023

Another man added: “Everything was fine with WFH, but no, the companies had to get the upper hand and keep the employees subjugated.”

All was well with WFH but no, the companies had to have the upper hand and keep the employees subjugated.

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— Anurag (@anuragtyagi07) May 16, 2023

“Imagine the pressure if she has to work on a damn motorbike. How insensitive employers are. But if she’s late of her own free will, then shame on her,” added one woman.

Imagine the pressure if she has to work on a damn motorbike How insensitive employers are But if she’s late of her own free will then she’s to blame.

— It’s just me (@Donteatmyfood1) May 16, 2023

One man also added: “Glorifying the terrible infrastructure is bad. We are going the way of Mumbai where every fucking flood due to rain is glorified as the Spirit of Mumbai. Let’s not do the same to our city! Call bread by his name!”.

Glorifying a terrible infrastructure is bad. We are going the way of Mumbai, where every cursed flood due to rain is glorified as the Spirit of Mumbai. Let’s not do the same with our city! Call the shovels by shovel!

— Nandakishore K (@nandakishorek) May 16, 2023

One man also wrote: “Normal day in the life of us Bangalorians. Best and worst of India in the same days.”

Normal day in the life of us Bangalorians. The best and worst of India in the same days. #bengalurutraffic

—Hsnake Gupta (@mastamma) May 16, 2023

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