Breaking the silence, this is what Monica Spear’s daughter said about her mother’s death

Monica Spear’s daughter, after several years of being away from the public eye, gave an interview and this is what she spoke about, upon turning 15.

The death of Monica Spear and her husband, Henry Thomas, was a moment that marked many because of the way the crime happened and why the couple left a daughter, who witnessed the violent moment.

However, Maya Spear, daughter of the Venezuelan queen, remained out of the public eye for several years. It was not until 2023 that at the age of 15 she gave an exclusive interview with her adoptive parents.

15th birthday party, Maya Berry

Daniela Bueno and Ricardo Spear, children of Maya Berry Spear’s adoptive parents, after the death of his sister, Ricardo took care of the young woman.

The emotional 15th birthday party was full of color and joy, but what stood out most about Monica Spear’s daughter was the headdress she wore at the party.

Several of the images were shared on Daniela Bueno’s Instagram stories.

On the other hand, the exclusive was in charge of Luis Olavarrieta, who brought the young woman’s feelings to light.

But what everyone expected was about her mother’s death, however, Maya responded about her feelings indicating that there were moments.

The way I handled my feelings was especially by imagining things, it was difficult to find the words, the images helped me.

Mayan Berry Spear

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In addition, he confessed that he does not rule out the idea of ​​settling in Venezuela for a few years and that he dreams of making films.

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Death of Monica Spear

The former Miss Venezuela and her husband died as victims of an assault in Venezuela on January 6, 2014. While waiting for a tow truck to come to their aid, they were intercepted by a group of young people to steal their belongings.

On the other hand, the model resides in Miami, her visit at that time to her native country was to start rehearsals for a short film.

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Monica Spear and her husband Henry Thomas were buried in the Eastern Cemetery in Caracas.

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