Crista Guerra de Vecinos, what does Estefanía Coppola’s role in the series consist of?

Crista is a character from the Mexican television series “Guerra de Vecinos.” She is played by actress Estefanía Coppola.

Crista in Guerra de Vecinos is the daughter of Silvia and Juan Carlos. She is an intelligent and sensible girl, who finds herself in the middle of the neighbor war between her parents and the neighbors across the street, the Lópezes.

In the first season of the series, Crista finds herself torn between her parents. On the one hand, there is her mother, Silvia, who is a strict and controlling woman. On the other hand, there is her father, Juan Carlos, who is a more relaxed and understanding man.

Crista is also affected by the neighbor war. She feels pressured by her parents to choose sides, but she just wants to be left alone.

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second season

In the second season of the series, Crista begins to rebel against her parents. She distances herself from Silvia and begins to spend more time with Juan Carlos and the López family.

Crista also begins to question her identity. She feels more comfortable with the Lopez’s culture than with that of her parents.

Stephanie Coppola.

At the end of the second season, Crista decides to go live with the López family. She has found a family that accepts her and loves her for who she is.

Character development

Crista is a character that evolves throughout the series. In the first season, she is an obedient and submissive girl. However, in the second season, she begins to rebel against her parents and seek her own path.

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This change in attitude is a reflection of Crista’s personal growth. She begins to realize that she doesn’t have to follow her parents’ wishes. She has the right to choose her own life.


Estefanía Coppola does a good job playing Crista. The actress conveys the innocence, sensitivity and vulnerability of the character.

Posts with answers from Estefania Coppola ♥ (@esteficoppola) / XStephanie Coppola.

Coppola also manages to capture the change in attitude of crista throughout the series. In the first season, the actress plays Crista as an obedient and submissive girl. However, in the second season, Coppola portrays Crista as a rebellious and determined girl.

This note was prepared with the assistance of Artificial Intelligence, ChatGPT, under the supervision of a journalist.

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