DeSantis wins in post-debate poll as Trump touts lead over Biden

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is rebounding in the White House race after his strong showing in this week’s Republican debate, rising 8 points among Republicans in a new national poll.

InsiderAdvantage’s poll of likely Republican primary and caucus voters found the Florida governor had 18% in the Republican presidential race, up sharply from the 10% he had in the days leading up to Wednesday’s first debate.

Another debate winner was Nikki Haley, according to the poll, who more than doubled her support (from 5% to 11%) thanks to her forceful performance, while biotech millionaire Vivek Ramaswamy held steady at 7%. .

“DeSantis did well in the debate and I think at times he seemed like the most presidential candidate on the scene,” said political consultant Ryan Girdusky. “The biggest issues that Republican voters are thinking about this cycle are crime, immigration and the economy, and on all three issues, DeSantis fared much better than the rest of the field.”

Former President Donald Trump, with 45% support, remained well ahead of the pack, according to the post-debate poll of 850 Republican voters.

But that was a 6-point drop for the favorite, as some Republicans criticized Trump for not showing up for the debate and for becoming the first US president in history to receive a mugshot. The poll, released Friday, had a 3% margin of error.

donald trumpFormer President Donald Trump leads the Republican field by a wide margin against four criminal indictments.Getty Images
nikki haleyNikki Haley, the former governor of South Carolina and Trump’s UN ambassador, more than doubled down on her support after a strong performance in the debate.AP

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On Saturday, Trump ignored that poll to announce a different poll.

“Oh no, I’m leading by 6, 7 and 8 in various polls on corrupt Joe Biden,” Trump posted on Truth Social, referring to the results of a new Reuters/Ipsos poll. “That almost guarantees another accusation!”

The poll of 1,004 adults found Trump 38% to Biden’s 32% in a hypothetical general election rematch, with 30% refusing to endorse either of those universally known candidates. The survey had a credibility interval of 6%.

The smaller panel of 347 Republicans in the Reuters/Ipsos poll gave Trump a sizable 52-13% lead over DeSantis, his closest rival in the GOP primary race, with all the other candidates in a single digit. A third post-debate poll by the Morning Consult found an even larger 58%-14% lead for Trump.

Vivek RamaswamyAbout 250 voters turned out to see Vivek Ramaswamy in Winterset, Iowa, his campaign said

DeSantis and Ramaswamy, who led the Post’s poll as the best-performing candidates in Wednesday’s debate, were both in Iowa on Saturday to meet with voters and seek their support in January’s important Iowa caucuses.

First-time candidate Ramaswamy, 38, he said in a packed VFW hall in Winterset, Iowa, that Trump had been “tricked” into not decimating federal government payroll during his one term.

“Let’s give credit to Trump, my predecessor, for giving us that Supreme Court.” Ramaswamy said before a crowd of about 250 people, according to his campaign. “My job now is to act with stronger authority, not to be fooled.”

DeSantis, 44, avoided any mention of Trump while speaking in Algona, Iowa, but sharply criticized Joe Biden for presiding over a “decaying America,” particularly his disastrous handling of the US-Mexico border crisis. .

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“These elites…they don’t want to have to deal with what’s happening at the border,” DeSantis said.

“What Texas has done, by sending so many to Manhattan and other parts of New York City, has been very effective,” he said. “Now we have the mayor of New York City saying that Biden needs to do something about that border.”

“This election needs to be focused on holding Joe Biden accountable,” DeSantis said.

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