Do you know how chewing gum is made? This latest video reveals it all

No doubt, as a child you were warned not to swallow gum because it would stay in your stomach permanently, or something similar.

Everyone remembers the initial feeling of terror when they inevitably swallowed a piece, only to discover later that it wasn’t as bad as they had thought.

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This is how chewing gum is made

A YouTube video posted by the popular show How It’s Made reveals the actual process used to make chewing gum, and it’s not pretty.

The short documentary describes how a dentist first created chewing gum before it became a popular children’s gift in the US, along with chewing gum and gumballs.

As the film shows a panning shot of gum balls coated with powder to prevent them from sticking, the narrator explains, “It all starts with a gum base, the material that makes gum chewable.”

Historically, tree resin served as gum.

Historically, tree resin served as a base. However, our chewing gum today is synthetic and composed of plastic and rubber.

Pretty grim, isn’t it? It’s understandable why people have vowed to stop ingesting the chewable mouth freshener.

The gum base is mixed with color and flavoring in a mixer before being dumped like cement. Glucose is added while combining the ingredients to give the gum a sweetened flavor.

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The mixture is combined for about 20 minutes before being sweetened with dextrose, a powder. The heat produced by the mixing process melts everything. The bright pink substance is compressed in the video, and as it crumbles and folds, the fibrous plastic components separate.

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Horrified viewers of the video posted their opinions in the comments section. As one person noted: “Remember: never swallow gum because it is plastic and rubber”; Another commented: “Oh yeah, every good candy starts with rubber and plastic.”

“You’ll have to find a new way to flavor the gum because it only lasts about 10 seconds and then you’ll have to chew an eraser,” said a third person who was disappointed with the taste of the gum.

A fourth person acknowledged that humans don’t always chew our gum first and asked, “So what you’re saying is that a machine chews our gum first? Although the fact that gum is made of plastic and rubber may upset you, swallowing it doesn’t it will hurt you.”

Although gum should be chewed, not swallowed, Dr. Elizabeth Rajan says it is usually not dangerous if swallowed.

Folklore holds that it takes seven years for the stomach to break down chewing gum that has been swallowed. However, this is not true.

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