Do your nightmares look like this? Haunting Photos Show Places That Resemble Scenes From Your Dreams

If you’re the type of person who has trouble remembering your dreams after waking up, this haunting video might help.

A new viral video called “places you’ve seen in your dreams” does exactly what it says on the tin, showing all the weird places viewers have found themselves in while they were sleeping, like an empty aisle in a supermarket, scary aisles, and amazing views of the valley. Have a look.

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The video shows places that you may have seen in your dreams.

Doctor Doggo, the YouTuber behind the compilation of footage pulled from the internet for this clip, chose footage that has one thing in common: not a soul in sight.

The video, posted last month, asks, “Which liminal space is your favorite?” It all depends on which one you think you’ve been to before.

Maybe you had a late-night fantasy about going back to the Target food court, or maybe you imagined yourself wandering down a pastel suburban cul-de-sac that looks like something out of Edward Scissorhands.

The images were carefully selected.

    The photographs capture places of your dreamsYouTube Screenshot

Dreams aren’t always bubblegum dream worlds, and Doctor Doggo kept this in mind when selecting the terrifying music and images of empty hotel corridors and rooms.

Who would have thought that pictures of empty and deserted offices, gyms, and playgrounds could be so haunting? The bizarre video drew responses from those who were baffled and surprisingly grateful for it.

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dreamsYouTube Screenshot

Some YouTube commenters also claimed that the film made them feel nostalgic, which could be because many of the images appear to have been taken with a disposable camera from the past.

And, let’s not forget, the shot at McDonald’s Playplace, which, while terrifying in the compilation film, probably appears in many wonderful dreams about simpler times.

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