Gen Z Woman’s Complaint About 9-to-5 Jobs Divides the Internet

It doesn’t take much for a video or statement to go viral in the age of social media and rapid communication, starting discussions and debates all over the Internet. Recently, a video of a Gen Z woman complaining about her 9-to-5 job went viral, sparking a debate about the expectations of the younger generation and the traditional work model.

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Who is this woman?

Credit: Twitter

Brielle Asero is the Generation Z woman who shared the video on her TikTok account. In an attempt to reduce the cost of tuition, the 21-year-old graduated from the University of South Carolina in May 2023, a year ahead of the rest of her class.

What do you complain about?

The internet is divided after a video of this woman criticizing her job went viral on social media. Brielle Asero initially shared the video on TikTok, which was later shared on other websites.

According to Mashable, she informed her 125,000 TikTok followers about how little time she had for herself after getting home from work. Ms. Asero found the 9 to 5 schedule “crazy.”

Credit: Twitter

On TikTok, his video has earned more than 200,000 likes and 2.3 million views. “I get on the train at 7:30 am and the earliest I get home is 6:15 pm,” she says in the video. “I don’t have time to do anything,” she added.

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Next, Asero asks his online followers two questions: “How do you make friends? How can you meet a guy in your free time?”

When did you post the video?

According to the Twitter post, the video was published on October 24, 2023.

Where did you post the video?


– cold 🥑 (@coldhealing) October 24, 2023

The woman originally posted the video on TikTok, but you can also watch it on Twitter.

How is the Internet reacting to this viral video?

Credit: Twitter

Social media users were quite interested in his video; some posted criticism of her, while others defended her. One of the most appreciated comments was: “The 40-hour work week is beyond obsolete and her feelings are valid.”

The video, titled #4HL, debuted on People left some negative comments. At the same time, others came to his defense over the video.

Why did you make this video?

In an interview with Rolling Stone, Asero explained the reaction to his video. “Most of the people who are upset with me are simply expressing frustration about the time they have wasted due to working long hours. To maybe spark a change, I just wanted to bring in other people who share these feelings,” he said.

Credit: Twitter

Welcome to being a man. Many women complain that their man doesn’t have time for them, or that their man got out of shape over time, and yet here’s a woman telling herself why women are spoiled when they complain that his men are not available.

— Weight Loss💎🍿🦍🚀 (@PEwithJoe) October 25, 2023

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Get out of the city where the commute is brutal, parking is too expensive and meet a traditional man who puts God first. You do that too. Start a family and say goodbye to corporate America. You will be much happier.

— All is not well in Zion (@NotWellInZion) October 25, 2023

She’s pretty pretty, maybe marry a guy and stay home before your looks fade.

— Latinx Adjacent Ph.D. (@TonerousHyus) October 24, 2023

This is not her fault, it is her parents and teachers’ fault for not telling her what the real world is like and that it is necessary to get a man early. It’s also the boomers’ fault for destroying the economy with deficit spending and taxes.

– Joshua Done (@JoshuaDone) October 25, 2023

she lives in a man’s world

— SIGMA GRINDSET ✝️ (@christopilled) October 25, 2023

He will either adapt or return home. You have to love the city. Drag your feet during lunch time. take your work home with you. Meet a boy in the cafeteria. Read a book on the train. Stumble upon a good pork bun place. It is your oyster that you must open.

— Fallen 🍂 By CSJ 🕊️🏺🌿 (@STClovisSupreme) October 24, 2023

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