Grant Siefker Death and Obituary, Grant Siefker Columbus Grove Ohio, High School Student

Here we will give the details about Grant Siefker while the public searches about him on the Internet. The public surfs the Internet to know more about Grant Siefker and not only that, they also like to know the details about his death since the news about it is all over the Internet. So, for our readers, we have provided information about Grant Siefker in this article. Not only that, we are also going to provide details about his death as the public searches for it on the Internet. So, keep reading the article to know more.

Death of Grant Siefker

In a tragic turn of events, Grant Siefker, a 15-year-old student, died on January 7, 2024, leaving the Columbus Grove community to mourn the death of a beloved member. Born on November 19, 2008, Grant Siefker was more than just a student: he was a generous, hardworking, and hard-working young man who left a lasting impression on everyone he came into contact with. Grant was very loved by his colleagues, family and friends. He was known for his warm nature and calming presence. His distinctive sense of humor and willingness to have a good time made him a dear friend among his contemporaries.

grant siefker columbus grove ohio

Grant loved spending time with his cousins ​​and having priceless experiences that he would always cherish. He had a particular place in his heart for them. The circumstances underlying Grant Siefker’s death have not been made public at the time of this publication. This devastating news has been confirmed by the family and the community is in deep mourning with them. The public will be informed as more details become available about the cause of his untimely death, allowing for a better understanding of the circumstances.

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Grant Siefker will be available for visitation at Hartman Son’s Funeral Home in Columbus Grove on Tuesday, January 9 from 4:00 to 8:00 pm and Wednesday, January 10 from 2:00 to 8:00 pm In a heartfelt memory, the family Grant’s has asked guests to dress in their favorite sports jersey to represent the lively energy Grant offered to his neighborhood. David Ritchie will preside over the funeral ceremony, which will be held at St. Anthony’s Catholic Church in Columbus Grove on Thursday, January 11 at 10:00 am. The church cemetery will be Grant’s final burial place. Grant’s interests and principles are reflected in the family’s suggestion that donations be made to the Columbus Grove Livestock 4H Club in lieu of flowers.

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