Great Dane puppy rescued after sinking 50 feet into old well in North Carolina forest

A North Carolina family’s Great Dane puppy sank 50 feet into an old well in the woods Saturday, but was miraculously unharmed after firefighters rescued her.

The 11-month-old puppy named Mudge was running in the woods near her family’s home in Wake County when she fell into the dry well, which was covered with barbed wire and a layer of leaves, owner Janine Haldene told WRALNews.

Mudge and his sister Moonshine often run on the trails the family created around their property and “they always come back,” Haldene said.

But Haldene’s young son, Henry, sensed something was wrong Saturday afternoon when Mudge didn’t return home, according to the local station.

As the family searched the property, they could hear Mudge barking from inside the deep well and quickly called 911.

Great Dane dog at the bottom of a deep brick wellMudge fell 50 feet to the bottom of the old well while running through the woods on his family’s property.

Firefighters from three different departments, the Cary, Fairview and Swift Creek fire departments, responded to the scene and used special equipment to remove the dog from the hole.

A veterinarian was also present to provide necessary medical treatment, according to the Cary Fire Department.

It took hours for the crew to remove the 110-pound dog using a harness and rope tied to a metal tripod. They even lowered a firefighter into the well to attach Midge to the rope, WRAL reported.

“For her to come out and… lick the face of the guy who pulled her out of the hole, like, wow. It was really special,” Haldane told the station.

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“They did all this for my dog, and she is part of our family, really, so God bless them,” he added.

    Janine Haldene hugs her dog as rescuers remove her harnessMiraculously, the only injury Mudge suffered from the 50-foot fall was a scraped ankle. Fairview Rural Fire Department

Surprisingly, Midge did not suffer any broken bones from her fall. He emerged with only a small scratch on his ankle, according to the outlet.

Haldane said he couldn’t believe his dog came out largely unscathed, noting that the depth of the well is “pretty shallow.”

He said the family has ensured that the old well is now completely covered and safe.

“Part of me wonders, you know, did he fall to save someone else?” Haldane said.

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