Harrison High School arrest, student raped in high school bathroom

This is to inform you of a heinous crime that occurred at Harrison High School. According to reports, a minor was raped in the school bathroom. Yes you heard right, more on this incident, a male student is accused of allegedly raping a female student at Harrison High School. Ever since this news broke, it has been a huge trend and has caused a stir. People have been concerned about the safety of students studying at Harrison High School after hearing this news. You must read this article until the end to know what the authorities have said about it. Kindly drag down the page and read more details.

Harrison High School Arrest

The victim is a 15-year-old student at Harrison High School. She filed a complaint with the Cobb County police and said a student raped her inside the girls’ bathroom. When did this incident occur? The student said it happened earlier this month. After hearing from the 15-year-old, Harrison High School senior Sam Harris said, “It’s really unexpected. That’s not something that happens here.” Go to the next section and read more details.

The girl who became a victim of sexual assault alleged that the student followed her into the girls’ bathroom and sexually assaulted her. After learning of the incident, the Cobb County School District responded and issued a statement saying that we are aware of a warrant issued against one of our students, alleging a heinous crime. We are fully cooperating with the Cobb County Police Department. We cannot share more except that we are certain that our campus is safe and that the safety of our students remains our primary focus due to ongoing research and laws regarding student privacy. Take a look below and find out more details.

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Harrison High School

Meanwhile, Channel 2’s Audrey Washington asked students if they feel safe at school after learning about the incident. Harris said she thought students should feel safe because they’re in a school and there are a lot of people around them who want them to be safe. No details have yet been released about the charges against the male student. We are still working on it and gathering more updates. Stay tuned to this website for more details.

Categories: Trending
Source: vtt.edu.vn

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