Heads of Hamas, Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad meet as Jordan’s queen slams West’s ‘blatant double standards’

The heads of terrorist groups Hamas, Hezbollah and Palestinian Islamic Jihad met Wednesday to unite in the war against Israel, as Iran’s supreme leader criticized the United States and pledged that “the future world belongs to Palestine.”

Photos released by Hezbollah’s al-Manar television station and Lebanese state media showed Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah sitting in a plush wingback chair as he spoke with Hamas deputy chief Saleh Al-Arouri and the head of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Ziad al-Nakhala, who was sitting on a couch.

The trio of terrorist leaders, dubbed the “axis of resistance,” spoke under portraits of Iran’s former and current supreme leaders, Ruhollah Khomeni and Ali Khomeni. The three terrorist groups are all financed by the Khomeni regime.

The meeting was aimed at setting the goal of achieving “a real victory for the resistance in Gaza and Palestine” and stopping Israel’s “treacherous and brutal aggression against our oppressed and steadfast people in Gaza and the West Bank,” according to a brief statement issued afterward. . .

The major terrorist organizations, along with other Iranian-backed militants, agreed on the next steps to take at this “sensitive stage,” according to the statement, without elaborating on what exactly those steps were.

Hamas Terrorism Summit

Saleh al-Arouri, vice president of Hamas, 57 years old. Credited as a founding commander of Hamas’s military wing in 1993. Arouri publicly claimed responsibility on behalf of Hamas for the June 2014 kidnapping and murder of three Israeli teenagers in the West Bank.

He spent 15 years in prison in Israel for his role in Hamas and was later exiled from the country. He is believed to live in Türkiye. The United States has offered a reward of up to $5 million for information about Arouri and his whereabouts.

Hassan NasrallahHezbollah leader, 63 years oldHe has led the Lebanese terrorist group since 1992. Al Jazeera called him the Arab world’s answer to Che Guevara and Fidel Castro. Nasrallah declined to comment earlier this year after a suicide bomber armed with explosives was killed entering Israel from Lebanon. “Our silence is part of the psychological, media and military battle with the enemy.”

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Nasrallah said. Ziad al-Nakhala Secretary General of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, 70 years old. Under Nakhala’s leadership, the Jerusalem Post wrote last year, Islamic Jihad in Palestine has been transformed into a “wholly owned and operated subsidiary” of Iran, funneling funds to Hamas and Hezbollah.

Meanwhile, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei said the United States is “orchestrating” Israel’s bombing campaign in Gaza.

“The United States is definitely complicit with the Zionist regime in its crimes against #Gaza,” Khamenei wrote on Wednesday X..

“The blood of the oppressed children of Gaza is on the hands of the United States.”

Khamenei also declared that “Palestine will definitely emerge victorious.”

“Palestine will definitely emerge victorious in this current situation and in the future.” he continued.

“The future world belongs to Palestine. “It does not belong to the usurping Zionist regime.”

Hezbollah has threatened to get involved in the war in Israel in support of Hamas and Islamic Jihad. Getty Images

The meeting of the three terrorist leaders also came as Queen Rania of Jordan said the Middle East is “shocked and disappointed” by the world’s reaction to the Israeli airstrikes in the Gaza Strip.

“People across the Middle East, including Jordan, are shocked and disappointed by the world’s reaction to the unfolding catastrophe,” he told CNN’s Christiane Amanpour.

“In recent weeks we have seen a blatant double standard in the world. When October 7 happened, the world immediately and unequivocally supported Israel and its right to defend itself and the attack that occurred,” he said of Hamas’ surprise attack on the Jewish nation.

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“But what we are seeing in recent weeks is that we are seeing silence in the world,” Rania continued.

“So the silence is deafening and, for many in our region, makes the Western world complicit.

“Are they telling us that it is wrong to kill a family, an entire family at gunpoint, but that it is okay to bomb them to death? I mean there is a blatant double standard here,” she said.

Queen Rania of Jordan said the Middle East is fed up with Western coverage of the war. AFP via Getty Images

Many in the Middle East have warned in recent weeks of retaliation against Israel for its airstrikes in Gaza.

Last week, Iran’s Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdallahian warned that a regional network of militias called the “axis of resistance” would open “multiple fronts” against Israel if it continued killing civilians in Gaza.

“Time is running out very quickly,” Amir-Abdollahian said during a live televised interview with Iranian state television on Monday night, according to the New York Times.

“If war crimes against the Palestinians are not stopped immediately, multiple other fronts will open and this is inevitable.”

Rania said there was a “double standard” in the Western media in denouncing terrorists who pointed guns at families but refusing to condemn Israeli airstrikes. AFP via Getty Images

Following an explosion at a Gaza hospital, which was falsely attributed to an Israeli airstrike, Amir-Abdollahian tweeted: “Time is up!”

Meanwhile, Jordanian and Egyptian leaders have expressed concern that millions of Palestinians could be expelled from Gaza and the West Bank to Egypt and Jordan, respectively.

Jordan’s King Abdullah warned last week that such displacement of Palestinians would be a “red line” and said neither Jordan nor Egypt would accept refugees.

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He dismissed the suggestion that the two nations take in fleeing Gazans as a plan “by the usual suspects to try to create de facto problems on the ground.”

When asked by Amanpour about her husband’s comments, Rania said the people of Gaza face “two options.

Rania said Gazans face a “choice between expulsion or extermination.” AFP via Getty Images

“Basically, they are given the choice between expulsion or extermination, between ethnic cleansing and genocide,” he said.

“And to no people should it be given, [should] I have to face that kind of choice.

“The people of Palestine should not, [the people] Gazans should not be forced to move again.”

Rania also claimed that the war did not start with Hamas’ surprise attack on October 7.

“Most networks cover the story under the heading ‘Israel at War,'” he said. “But for many Palestinians on the other side of the separation wall, on the other side of the barbed wire, the war has never gone away.

“This is a story dating back 75 years, a story of overwhelming death and displacement for the Palestinian people,” he continued.

Fears of a regional war are growing after Iran’s Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdallahian warned that a regional network of militias dubbed the “resistance axis” would open “multiple fronts.” WAEL HAMZEH/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock

“It is a story of occupation under [an] apartheid regime that occupies land, demolishes houses, confiscates land, military incursions, night raids.”

He said “there can never be a resolution except around a negotiating table.”

“There is only one way to achieve this, and that is a free, sovereign and independent Palestinian state, living side by side, in peace and security, with the land of Israel,” Rania said, while advocating for a two-state solution.

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Source: vtt.edu.vn

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