Healthcare without doctors: US company launches Carepods, a medical office powered by artificial intelligence

The Netflix series “Black Mirror” offers a glimpse into potential futures, giving us a glimpse of our future. Here’s another reason to consider the possibility: With AI-based CarePod, you can undergo procedures like blood tests, blood pressure readings, and strep throat tests, all without the physical presence of an actual doctor or nurse. Yes, that is correct. It’s just you and AI in the room.

What is a medical robot?

CarePod, a brainchild of AI-focused healthcare company Forward Health. With facilities across the United States, these centers combine AI-powered technology with conventional healthcare, often compared to a merger of a doctor’s office and an Apple Store.

The initial 25 CarePods will debut in cities including Scottsdale, San Francisco, New York, Chicago and Philadelphia. The goal is to have 3,200 robotic doctors operational within a year, with plans to install CarePods in shopping malls and office buildings, provided everything progresses as planned.

How does the CarePod work?

To access the CarePod, users unlock the door with their phones and enter a space equipped with a large touch screen, a chair, and a full-body scanner represented by a glowing ring on the floor. The touch screen offers options for various tests, from full-body scans to specific screenings for conditions such as thyroid problems and diabetes.


How can you perform your medical tests on a CarePod?

Once the desired test is selected, a drawer opens containing the necessary materials. CarePod uses single-use needle-free collection devices for blood testing and blood pressure is measured via a wireless cuff. Details about STD testing procedures remain undisclosed.

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How can you receive your diagnostic result?

Upon completion of the test, users receive a diagnostic on the screen. If follow-up is necessary, a Forward Health human doctor provides additional prescriptions or instructions. While a real person works on each CarePod to answer questions and maintain the device, they do not enter the module during testing.

Do you assure users of data privacy?

Forward Health emphasizes its commitment to data privacy and claims to employ best-in-class security practices, including data encryption and access control. The company says it does not sell user data to third parties and that patients retain ownership of their data.

Information is only shared if a referral to a specialist is needed.

The integration of AI into healthcare is increasing, helping professionals process large amounts of information for pattern recognition and prediction of medical outcomes. Natural language processing (NLP), a form of AI, is used to diagnose diseases and extract relevant information from health data. AI also automates administrative tasks, although the impact on the quality and cost of care has not yet been fully realized.

How much does it cost to use CarePod and where can it be used?

CarePod offers on-demand access and virtual visits for a monthly fee of $99, with the caveat that insurance is not accepted. In a landscape where getting a doctor’s appointment can be a challenge, CarePod aims to provide fast and convenient medical care without traditional waiting rooms.

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