Heart and stress: 5 effective ways to de-stress and protect your heart health

Managing stress on a daily basis is essential to promoting a healthy body and a healthy mind. Here are some easy ways to de-stress and take care of your health. Scroll down to find out more.

Constant stress can put a huge strain on our overall health, especially heart health. Each individual feels, reacts, and deals with stress in different ways. The way you handle stress can have a big impact on your health, and too much stress can put you at higher risk for chronic health conditions. Uncontrolled stress can promote unhealthy lifestyle patterns, such as unhealthy eating, irregular sleep patterns, mood swings, and lack of exercise, which can have adverse effects on heart health.

We should never underestimate stress and find effective ways to manage it on a regular basis. According to John Hopkins Medicine, stress can increase inflammation in your body, which in turn is linked to factors that can harm your heart, such as high blood pressure and reduced good cholesterol. Whereas, chronic stress can affect your heart in most indirect ways. It keeps you worried, awake at night, poor sleep, poor eating habits, less exercise, and high risk of obesity. Therefore, it is essential to manage stress on a daily basis to promote a healthy body and a healthy mind. Here are some easy ways to de-stress and take care of your health.

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Easy Ways to Manage Stress for a Healthy Heart

1. Practice breathing exercises

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When practiced regularly, breathing exercises can help promote better lung function. Breathing exercises can lower blood pressure and heart rate, reduce stress hormone levels, and increase feelings of calm and relaxation. According to the American Heart Association, breathing exercises can help manage stress and reduce the risk of heart disease.

2. Breaks

Breaks are essential to improve productivity and self-awareness. Whether it is a social, work or telephone break, they are necessary from time to time to promote well-being. A relaxing break can facilitate better performance by resetting your mood, as well as promoting positive well-being and reducing stress.

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3. Create schedule

Making an effective schedule to reduce stress can be extremely beneficial. Managing work by creating schedules can promote mental well-being, give you more time to relax, and decrease anxiety and stress.

4. Prioritize your to-do list

Stress can be generated from an accumulation of tasks. If you are someone who finds it difficult to manage a large amount of work, which can lead to stress and anxiety. So, to manage your regular stress, you can make a to-do list and separate the tasks that are easy and difficult for you to complete. Making a to-do list can help reduce stress and anxiety.

5. Practice self-love

Self love is an act of prioritizing your needs and feelings to take care of yourself. Practicing self-love can promote well-being, reduce stress, nurture personal growth, increase confidence, motivation, and increase self-awareness. Helps combat stress and anxiety.

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(Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment.)

Categories: Lifestyle News
Source: vtt.edu.vn

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