Honduran reveals that it is ‘the worst’ thing about being married to a ‘gringuita’

The catracho, Carlos Ordoñez Andrade, who shares through his TikTok what it is like to be married to an American, revealed that not “everything is rosy.”

In one of the most recent clips he shared with his wife, Natalie, he said that there are several things that make their relationship not one hundred percent happy.

According to Carlos, the first of the men lies in the fact that Natalie does not know how to cook, which forces him to eat fast foods most of the time, especially pizzas.

“I have to eat pizza, rolls, bread, I mean, I want my good dinner, but she doesn’t cook for me,” he said before the cameras, while the ‘gringuita’ was isolated.

Another thing is that she is not in charge of doing the housework, leaving the burden on him at all times, worse now that she is in the last months of pregnancy.

Finally, he stated that his wife “is very aggressive and wants to hit me”; something he demonstrated when she “tried to hit him” after hearing all her complaints.

Joke or reality?

Even though it was all a joke, which in just 3 days exceeded 5.3 million views, another clip could confirm the catracho’s first complaint.

A few days ago the young people carried out the Party to welcome the baby of his son, who will be named Sander Alessandro Ordóñez, along with all his relatives.

It was precisely here where he commented that he went to “pick up the food, which was a lot of pizzas, like 15”, confirming that that is what Natalie likes the most.

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The couple, who got married on October 20, appear happily in love and, although they share things from day to day, many of their content is pure action-packed comedy.

READ ALSO: ‘Now I am Honduran’: Catracho presumes that he married his ‘gringuita’

Categories: Trending
Source: vtt.edu.vn

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