How did Barry Sweeney die? Tributes paid to Barry Sweeney whose son Liam lost life in MH17 plane crash

Barry Sewwney Died: Shocking right, yes we were also got shocked when this news was announced. This news is true. Barry is no more in this world. He was a renowned football referee and a famous Newcastle United fan. He left this world on 6th August 2023, Sunday. He took his last breath at the age of 61. The people who used to watch him are very sad right now because of his demise. Now Netizens want to know about the cause of his death and they also want to know about some details of his personal and professional life. And some people also want to know about his son who died in a plane crash. This article is going to be a tribute to Barry Sweeney.

How did Barry Sweeney die?

barry Sweeney passed away at the age of 61. He was a well-respected man in the football community mostly in North East of England. He was a professional football referee. And he was a dedicated supporter of Newcastle United. He was born in Longbenton in 1962. He started loving football at a very young age and he make this love his passion and then he converted his passion into a profession. He was very active in sports but just as a supporter and as a qualified referee. Continue reading.

As a referee, his work was to ensure fair play and sportsmanship on the field of the game. He earned the respect of coaches, players, and officials. He was living a very happy life, but suddenly his life took a big turn and it gave a huge shock to Barry when his son died in an MH17 plane crash in 2014. This plane crash really disturbed his life when this crash took the life of his son. Not just his son, a total of 298 people lost their life in this horrific plane crash.

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After the death of his son, Barry handled himself and he continued his profession as a referee. This was a very tough time for him. According to the friends of Barry, he has been described as a friendly nature person. And he was a very humble nature person. He supported the Bradley Lowery Foundation by participating in charity matches to raise funds. On 6th August 2023, Sunday, Barry Sweeney left this world. His cause of death was linked to cancer. He was battling pancreatic cancer for the last 6 weeks. May his soul Rest in Peace.

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