How did Jacqueline Núñez die? Teen sentenced to 25 years for murder of Piute High School sophomore

A man named Daniel Ahuilar was sentenced to 25 years in prison. He was sentenced on Monday, August 28, 2023. He was charged with the murder. Daniel murdered his 16-year-old girlfriend named Jacqueline Núñez. Daniel was just 17 years old and now he is behind bars. He killed his girlfriend because they were facing problems in their relationship. The high school sophomore reported that Núñez was shot and killed by her boyfriend. Nunez’s body was found approximately 200 miles from Salt Lake City, near Utah. To know everything about this case. Read this entire article without missing anything.

How did Jacqueline Núñez die?

How did Jacqueline Núñez die?

According to the source, the president of a Utah judge expressed some dissatisfaction with Francisco Daniel Aguilar. They have given this statement about the murder. The killer said the murder was an emotionally charged shooting. After hearing this statement people are really shocked. In this case, Marvin Bagley stated that this case was premeditated since Daniel was armed and shot his girlfriend Jacqueline Núñez. This case occurred in a remote area. Now the murderer is a total of 18 years old, so he now has less than 25 years in prison. Scroll down to the next paragraph to know more.

A Twitter user (X) named @brian_schnee wrote Funeral services were held in Cedar City for 16-year-old Jacqueline Nunez, who was shot and killed this week in Piute County. The living proof of this murder case was Núñez’s friend. This murder occurred on January 8, 2023. The murderer Daniel Aguilar took his father’s gun and then went to take his girlfriend Núñez to the vicinity of Black Hill, Utah. A friend of Núñez named McKall Taylor claimed that he saw the entire case. Around 9:55 a.m., the couple was arguing near her car.

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McKall Taylor further added that Taylor saw her and ran towards her and from behind Daniel shot Núñez. Daniel then shot Taylor but luckily he escaped the scene. The killer was found struggling before firing the gun. After an hour, the authorities learned about this shocking case and chased a killer’s car. The killer said in his statement that he took a gun just to scare his girlfriend but that he didn’t want to shoot her. But he shot her and she doesn’t know why. More information will be released soon.

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