How much does the CCIE lab cost?

After passing the CCIE written exam, you will be eligible for the CCIE lab and practical exam. You will be allowed to schedule these exams at your convenience in the given duration time.

Scores for the CCIE written exams will not appear directly, but can be downloaded from test providers. So if you have a question: Where will we get our passing score?

So I hope we have answered you.

SPOTO CCIE suggests that you allow 10 days to attempt to schedule the lab exam after you have successfully submitted your written work. You should opt for the SPOTO CCIE 100% Lab study material for better preparation.

Then let’s get started! And find out-

How much does the CCIE lab exam cost?

The CCIE Lab exam will cost around $1,600 per attempt. This will include all travel and accommodation expenses as well.

You may see cost variation in different regions; This is due to different exchange rates and different taxes. The institution has clarified for its part that candidates are responsible for any fees charged after completing the payment.

You may pay part of the total fees in small units, but to maintain your reservation, full payments for CCIE lab exams must be completed 90 days prior to your exam date.

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In the event that someone is unable to settle the final payment within the given time, their reservation for the scheduled exam will be cancelled.

to check your PAYMENT DUE DATE- For this, you need to log in and view your certification status that you have scheduled. But why is the cost so high? Here is a-

Detailed description of the cost of the exam:

It can be assumed that this type of examination has a constant cost. However, the rest of the costs can be elective and, of course, it depends on the opinion of each one, since everyone has a different perspective.

However, a person will need to spend at least $1,715 for the cost of the test, and this is the main one, the other two written tests and the lab test will cost $315 and $1,400 respectively, which is less than the initial test cost

The cost mentioned above is the minimum cost that you will have to bear in case you want to have a CCIE. It may be reduced if you are a Cisco employee or have some kind of discount for this certification, in which case you could end up saving yourself money.

You should know that there are rules for this exam, the cost mentioned above is for each attempt. And therefore, if you are not successful in the exam, such as the written exam or the lab exam, the exam cost will increase after each attempt. Then you’d better look it up.

Training and study materials for preparation:

There are a number of applicants who make a large part of CCIE’s spending on their training costs. As mentioned above, the fee for the exams is fixed and does not change, but all other costs such as travel expenses while the training fee varies from person to person.

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Another big expense would be for training as it costs almost $6500 for the same. But, most of this cost would be reimbursed by the individual’s employer. Even if he doesn’t get a full refund, he’ll still have to spend the cost of the training.

You may be surprised to learn that there are applicants spending a lot of money, probably five figures, on this training. While few of them would be bearing this cost themselves.

That’s all about what the CCIE lab exam is and how much it costs. Now, take a look at some-

Frequent questions:

1. How difficult is the CCIE lab exam?

Competition can be measured by the number of candidates that apply. About 8,000 people each year take the CCIE lab exam. Also, the lab exam becomes difficult to pass because it tests your practical and problem-solving skills.

2. What is the CCIE laboratory exam used for?

It stands for Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert. It is a technical certification offered by Cisco Systems after passing the CCIE lab exam.

3. How long is the CCIE lab exam?

To complete the CCIE laboratory exam you get a time of 8 hours. In these eight hours, they have to answer all the technical skills questions that are asked of them.

4. How can I get CCIE in 3 months?

To get CCIE in 3 months, you must have been working in the same track for at least 2-3 years of experience. To prepare for the CCIE Lab exam, you need to work hard.

Last words

After passing the CCIE written paper, you will be allowed to schedule your CCIE lab exam. I hope this good read provides you with all the information you need!

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