How to Clear Reddit History and Keep Your Browsing Private [With Images]

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Reddit is one of the most used platforms or forums worldwide. Millions of posts or questions are made daily, as well as comments and answers. This means that many users can search for certain questions, interests or problems to participate in the available threads.

However, these searches made on Reddit will be stored in your profile, creating what is known as search history. Fortunately, if you want to get rid of your Reddit search history, you can.

You can search for anything in the Reddit app or in the browser version. The platform will display the search results closest to the term used. But also, the search performed will be stored in your Reddit user account. All search terms used on Reddit will be stored in the platform’s search history.

Unfortunately, this Reddit search history is not liked by users interpreting that this could be a privacy breach if someone accesses your Reddit profile. Unfortunately, Reddit search history cannot be disabled. However, you can clear or delete your Reddit search history.

Reddit allows users to remove specific searches from the Reddit search history or clear the history entirely.

Be that as it may, in this tutorial, we will show you how to clear Reddit history from the mobile app for Android, iPhone, or the web version.

Related Reading: How To Delete Reddit Account Permanently?

How to clear Reddit history on Android or iPhone?

  1. Open the Reddit app
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2. Click in the search field.

3. This will display several of the search terms used.

4. Select the X with each of the terms to delete so that they are deleted.

Clear Reddit Search History

5. To delete all history, click on the profile photo.

6. When the menu is displayed, select: Settings

7. This will bring up a list of settings to search for and select: Clear Local History

8. A small window will be displayed where we must confirm the deletion of the search history by clicking on Clear local history again.

9. Done; Reddit history will be completely removed and all search terms will be used.

how-to-delete-reddit-historyReddit search history cleaning method

How to delete the Reddit history of the Web version?

  1. Open the Reddit website in your browser and sign in to your account.

2. Here, click on the search field.

3. The most recently used search terms will appear at the top of the list.

4. Next to them, you will see the icon: X

5. Click the X icon next to the term you want to remove from Reddit history.

6. This will remove any search terms from your Reddit history that you want.

how-to-delete-reddit-historyClear Reddit search history from the web

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