How to encrypt your Gmail messages and attachments

If you don’t keep an eye on your data, the Internet can be dangerous. However, things can go wrong if it falls into the wrong hands. Additionally, when transferring sensitive data via email, data protection becomes much more crucial.

Although Google maintains that Gmail is very secure without any add-ons, we regularly read about email hacking and phishing attacks.

Google has introduced several methods such as encryption and confidential mode to help users make their emails more secure by adding an extra degree of security.

If you want to send emails securely through Gmail, here’s how to do it.

Encrypt emails in Gmail

S/MIME, or Multipurpose/Protection Internet Mail Extensions, in Gmail allow users to protect their mail and ensure it is not tampered with during transit. It prohibits hackers and criminals from introducing malware or viruses into emails once activated.

To enable it, follow the steps below.

Before continuing, it is essential to note that the feature is only available for paid Gmail users, that is, Google Workspace accounts. Additionally, the feature is available on all platforms, including mobile apps and web.

  • Open Gmail and navigate to the Google admin console.
  • Select Apps → Google Workspace and click Gmail.
  • Select User Settings and then the domain name to enable S/MIME.
  • Enable S/MIME encryption to send and receive email.

Once enabled, click compose, then add recipients and a lock icon will appear next to their names. If it is red, it is not encrypted; if it is green or gray, it is encrypted.

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