How to make sure you’re not being watched while browsing the web

Every time you connect to the internet, many giant companies attack you. All your actions are monitored by algorithms and online robots that try to collect as much personal information about you as possible.

Many companies, like Google, Microsoft, LinkedIn, specifically make their products free, so that the user, when using them, shares their data. This information sells more, that is, advertising with an exact target audience is sold in 92% of cases.

There are 4 simple steps you can take to prevent your data from being stolen and further used:


Just because a particular site uses HTTPS doesn’t mean that everything you do on that site will be encrypted. Using HTTPS instead of HTTP ensures that your data is encrypted before transmission, making it more secure. You can install the HTTPS Everywhere extension for Chrome and Firefox to make this happen every time.

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Use VPN services

VPN is a generic name for technologies that allow you to use not your own location, but a spoofed location on the Internet. Thus, protecting information about you from prying eyes. If you use a virtual private network (VPN), the ISP sees encrypted traffic going to a specific IP address.

With a reliable VPN service, your ISP cannot determine where the traffic you are consuming is going. However, by comparing subscriber network traffic to server traffic by timestamps, additional tracking can be done if desired. But for these purposes, more complex and resource-intensive technical solutions will be required.

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Use Tor to browse anonymously

Tor is a vast network of virtual tunnels that allow you to browse the Internet without leaving a trace. After downloading Tor, you will be directed to a special browser called TorBrowser. This browser will provide you with a different protected IP address than your own. With this browser, you can use the Internet anonymously.

Unlike a VPN, where traffic is constantly directed to a server over a long period of time, Tor automatically changes IP addresses. Therefore, the provider can determine that you probably used Tor, based on the flow of encrypted traffic and regular changes of direction, according to which this should be reflected in the logs.

The subscriber will not receive anything for using the VPN + Tor connection. Since the implementation of such manipulations is not prohibited by law.

What is private browsing and how can it keep you safe online?

Almost all modern browsers have Incognito or InPrivate mode. The following data is not saved in this mode:

– Browsing history;

– search queries;

– cookies;

– authorization data;

– multi-site cache;

– completed forms.

However, there is a small remark: all this is not saved directly in the browser history. The “incognito” mode will be useful when you constantly or temporarily share the same computer with other family members or friends.

Private Browsing Won’t Protect You From Everything

Almost all modern browsers have Incognito or InPrivate mode. The following data is not saved in this mode:

– Internet Service Provider (ISP), since all traffic actually goes through it;

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– local network administrators;

– owners of a wireless Wi-Fi access point, for example, in a cafe or other public place;

– site owners.

Even if you use InPrivate mode, providers will see all your visits. They are the ones who provide you with an IP address and can link it to the owner of the computer.

At work, your Internet browsing can be tracked by your company’s system administrators. Often, companies specifically track visits to specific sites (social networks, instant messaging, etc.) so that employees do not lose their work time. Remember, incognito mode is useless here. Special software allows you to quickly track which employee, when, for how long and with what resource.

Online privacy issues are a much bigger problem than most people realize. While it may not be possible to remain completely invisible online without actually disconnecting from the internet, there are things you can do to make it more difficult for your ISP to track your every move online.

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