In what year did Iron Man die?, phrases to remember Marvel’s most iconic superhero

Find out what year Iron Man (Tony Stark) died and discover phrases to remember the most iconic superhero in Marvel and cinema.

In what year did Iron Man die? is the question asked by thousands of fans of Marvel’s MCU universe, after Tony Stark sacrificed his life to defeat Thanos and save all the inhabitants of planet Earth and the galaxy.

Therefore, the year Iron Man died was on October 17, 2023, considered the strongest loss for the rest of the superheroes and fans of the Marvel films.

The event occurred in the ‘End Game’ movie, after in an iconic battle, Tony Stark managed to remove the Gauntlet with the Infinity Stones from Thanos and reverse the ‘Snap’ that had disappeared half of the population in the universe. . .

In this way, on October 17, the death of the iron superhero, who offered his life in exchange for humanity, is remembered on social networks.

Phrases from Iron Man and the Marvel universe

  • “I’m Iron Man.”
  • “Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist.”
  • “The truth is… I’m Iron Man.”
  • “They threatened you with your own weapon? Welcome to the cursed part of the planet!”
  • “There is no purpose in being a machine unless you can take responsibility for it.”
  • “Don’t they tell you that you are a thief?”
  • “It seems to me that there is a lot of constructive criticism of my work and that is my motivation.”
  • “Threats are something we live with. They are part of our job.”
  • “The American dream is a story of success. But it is also a story of great effort.”
  • “Part of the job is being a faceless man.”
  • Spider-Man: “With great power comes great responsibility.”
  • Iron Man (Tony Stark): “I am Iron Man.”
  • Hulk (Bruce Banner): “Hulk smash!”
  • Captain America (Steve Rogers): “It’s not the shield that makes me a hero, it’s the decisions I make.”
  • Thor: “By Odin, the Thunder!”
  • Black Widow (Black Widow, Natasha Romanoff): “In the waiting room of hell, only sinners are welcome.”
  • Doctor Strange (Stephen Strange): “It’s not about you.”
  • Black Panther (Black Panther, T’Challa): “Wakanda forever.”
  • Ant-Man (Scott Lang): “It’s the shrinking suit, not me.”
  • Scarlet Witch (Scarlet Witch, Wanda Maximoff): “I don’t know what I’m feeling, but I know it’s real.”
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What year did Iron Man die? Photo: Social networks.

  • Deadpool: “Life is a big, beautiful highway, and I’m ready to ride it.”
  • Rocket Raccoon: “I’m Groot!”
  • Star-Lord (Peter Quill): “I’m Star-Lord, man.”
  • Hawkeye (Hawkeye, Clint Barton): “I don’t have super powers, but I have a good aim.”
  • Vision: “A synthetic being can dream.”

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