Is there a cure for cancer? Baba Vanga predictions for 2024

The predictions of Baba Vanga, a Bulgarian clairvoyant who died in 1996, continue to spread and 2024 is no exception.

Baba Vanga predicted several events that would change humanity and the Earth for the next year.

Medical advances

The discovery that Baba Vanga predicts in the field of medicine would allow us to cure diseases such as cancer and AIDS (HIV), according to records.

Although the mystic did not specify what it would consist of, she noted that it would be the result of years of research and work by scientists.

devastating tsunami

The fortune teller prophesied that a powerful tsunami will hit Asia next year and this will be the most devastating sight since 2004.

Economic crisis

According to Baba, a global economic crisis will occur in 2024 and will be a consequence of corruption and mismanagement of economic resources globally.

The most powerful countries could fall due to corruption.

Large earthquake

According to Baba Vanga, an earthquake of enormous proportions will shake the United States in 2024, the woman even predicted that this will alter the course of the Mississippi River.

Oil shortage

In 2024 the decline of the oil era would begin, and clean and renewable energy alternatives will be sought to meet the world’s needs.

It should be remembered that one of the correct predictions that have been attributed to him are the attack on the twin towers, the presidency of an African-American in the United States, and he even predicted that China would become a world power.

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