Microsoft’s new AI skills initiative aims to make AI more accessible and inclusive

A new AI skills initiative launched by Microsoft aims to help communities learn how to use AI. The project, which is a component of Microsoft’s Skills for Jobs program, includes new free courses created with LinkedIn and a new grant competition with for organizations to build innovative methods to educate, re-educate, and upskill workers. in generative AI.

According to Microsoft’s latest Work Trend Index, just when the speed of information work is outpacing human ability to keep up, AI is in a unique position to establish an entirely new style of work. 76% of Indian workers indicated that they struggle to find enough time and energy to complete their task, according to the Index for India findings.

In addition to analytical and creative thinking, Gunjan Patel, Director and Head of Philanthropy at Microsoft India, stated that “AI capabilities are the third most important priority for companies’ training initiatives. AI has great potential to empower people, but we need to ensure that everyone is equipped with the necessary skills. A fresh start that will build on a next wave of technological innovation is the new AI Skills Initiative.

Workforce Decline

While 74% of people express concern that AI could take their work away, even more, 83%, said they would assign as much work to AI as they could to lighten their workloads. To do this, the Microsoft AI Skills Initiative will seek to alleviate workers’ digital debt – the deluge of data, information and permanent communications – and unleash their creativity.

Microsoft,, Microsoft’s AI for Good Lab, and GitHub are launching an open funding initiative to research, create, and implement ways that academic/research institutions and nonprofit social entrepreneurship can educate and empower the workforce to use generative AI.

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This international award will help organizations that promote skills development and economic growth, particularly those that focus on fair, community-led generative AI applications with historically marginalized groups around the world. Recipients will also have access to a cohort experience, Microsoft events, Azure-based cloud computing capabilities, data training and technical help from Microsoft and GitHub specialists, as well as financial assistance.

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